of course, m'lady

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part 3/3

"so... that's how my life was" juliet smiles with a silent laugh. "when i became a teenager, my eyes eventually opened to how different i was from 'normal people' and had a rebellious phase."

"a rebellious phase?" i repeat, smirking.

juliet nods, "i started asking my mom questions about why things are done the way they are, because when i was little i didn't know that my life wasn't normal... until i got older, anyway."


"mhm" she hums. "i never questioned why i was being forced to grow up so fast because i didn't know that most people in the world don't live like that."

"that's fucked up, jules" i scoff, making a face of disgust.

she sniffles and chuckles, seeing the whole thing as ridiculous. "trust me, i know that now. but after i stopped rebelling, and i guess... started obeying them again, i ended up being almost just as fucked up and brainwashed as i was when i was a child by the time i left for college."

"i think college saved you" i chuckle, lightly nudging her with my elbow.

"yep. so there, that's why i am the way i am. but can you tell now that i've changed since then?"

i nod and hold her hand to my chest, spinning her rings around on her fingers. "i can. but i'd have no idea if i didn't know how you were raised... how you used to be."

juliet taps her fingers on my chest to signal that i can sit up, and i do. i reposition myself to sit next to her on the bed, then we both just break out into random laughter.

"i promise you're perfect the way you are, juliet elise carter" i tease.

she rolls her eyes and crosses her arms.

"that's not fair, i don't know what your middle name is" juliet pouts.

"and i'll never tell you, just so i can hold this against you forever."

we uncontrollably break out into laughter again and juliet soon stands up.

"are you ready to go back to the group?" she asks, holding her hand out to me.

i shake my head and take her hand, pulling her back onto the bed instead of joining her.

"no, i've decided that i am tired of them" i hum, tucking my hair behind my ears and pulling a couple pieces out in the front. "i'd rather hang out just me, you and pip. my little pony awaits us, right?"

juliet sighs and nods her head with a smile. "i would like that."

"but i have one more question if you don't mind" i speak hesitantly. "you don't have to answer if you don't want to, i'm just curious. and i want to be able to help you."

juliet tilts her head and furrows her eyebrows. "yeah, sure, what is it?"

i bite my lip nervously and decide to go for it after getting permission. "what does your childhood have to do with the family gathering thing you mentioned? is there like, an anniversary of something? i don't know" i question.

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