bestie vibes only

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you can thank me later

also this is my fav chapter so far woo

it's way-too-early o'clock right now and i'm awoken from my sleep being thrashed around violently.

"aria! wake up! i have to tell you something right now!"

juliet? she never wakes me up this way?

"what are you doing" i muffle into my pillow, eyes still shut.

the thrashing stops and i feel the mattress dip down behind me as she sits down.

"there's something you have to go to, and you have to know about it right now!" she whines.

i decide to gain the consciousness to turn over and finally look at juliet, and she's surprisingly not pouty. she looks... eager to tell me whatever she had to aggressively wake me up for. she's well aware i'm not a morning person.

"go on" i mumble, rubbing my eye.

juliet lifts her legs onto the bed, sitting criss cross apple sauce beside where my body lays.

"so there's this party tonight" she starts, "and i forgot to tell you about it." ah, so she did want to invite me. i knew it.

"okay?" i play along, "so why do you have to wake me up like this for some party?"

she breathes in distress and collects herself. "it's a fancy masquerade party. everyone dresses up, wears a mask, and has to show up with a date. you can do the first two things, but the third one... you wouldn't be able to find a date for something like this on such short notice, would you?"

i smile lazily, my eyes barely open, before responding, "actually, i think i might know some-"

"wait! i know just the perfect person!" she beams.

"and who's that?" i question skeptically.

juliet grins wider and stands up in excitement. "ash! i'm pretty sure he doesn't have a date yet, either. he said he was taking his time debating on which one of the multiple girls who asked him to be their dates he should bring.

what a douche.

"so if you go convince him before he makes his choice, he could be your date!" she adds.

"do i have to ask him this early in the morning?" i groan.

"it's 12pm, babe."

fuck. of course it is.

"fine, fine, i'll go talk to him" i grumble, slowly sitting up. juliet flashes one more smile and makes her way out of my room.

once my door is closed, i stand up and go into my bathroom to pee and brush my teeth.

pip is safe for now, but i'm sure there will definitely be another time we make her dress up again.

i can't tell if i'm surprised or not that asher is waiting until the day of to pick his date. letting a bunch of girls line up for him like he's on the bachelor or some shit is a cocky thing he would do, but it's still arrogant and fucked up.

although, i'm not too mad about it. it gives me a chance to ask him in person and right to his face so he can't give me a dry excuse like he most likely did for the other girls to put it off.

he also doesn't treat me like the other girls. he's always been like that. i'm a priority to him all because i'm jack's little sister.

if he were at a party in a room full of hot women who wanted to go home with him for a sneaky link but i asked for a ride home from the same party, he'd choose me.

tease | brother's best friend (ON HOLD)Där berättelser lever. Upptäck nu