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part 2/3

"hurry up, juliet. we're going to be late" my mother's voice calls to me from downstairs.

i'm getting ready as fast as i can because we're about to go to a big dinner for my 11th birthday. i'm wearing the heels mother got for me. my first pair!

with that, i'm wearing a peach colored dress with white tights. it matches my shoes, which mother will be very happy about. she always wants my clothes to be matching. i look more proper that way.

i race down the stairs and approach the front door where mother is waiting for me.

"you shouldn't be running in the house like that, darling. it's inappropriate and you could get hurt."

she tells me that every time i run down the stairs.

"and don't forget your tiara, my love. you'll look like a princess for your birthday!"

i tried to hide the tiara from her. it's scratchy on my head because of the glitter.

you'd think she would buy a better fitting one, but it was the most expensive tiara she found, and there was only one left. mother always goes for the most expensive option when she shops.

once she places the tiara on my head, we get in the car and go to the venue.

my parents rented a winery for the day. this isn't the kind of birthday party my friends have with piñatas and games, it's a family birthday party. mother and father told me it's more formal to have birthday parties like this, and that it's coming time i act less juvenile.

everyone there is gonna be dressed like they're attending easter brunch, including me. i never really understood the point. i'd be fine with people wearing jeans and a t shirt to my party.

once we arrive at the winery, mother adjusts my dress before taking my hand and walking inside with me.

i quickly straighten my back for better posture before i greet everyone. today isn't the day to be looking uncomfortable and shy.

father says good posture is important because it determines how you're perceived by others. straightening my back, rolling my shoulders back, and keeping my chin up will give a more confident and ladylike impression.

"juliet! happy birthday, my dear" aunt cindy says as she kisses my cheek and smiles to my mother. her husband, uncle patrick, greets me next.

"happy birthday, honey" he smiles, aunt cindy linking her arm around his.

"thank you" i smile brightly.

mother excuses us and walks me to my chair at the long white table surrounded by cushioned seats. i'm sitting all the way at the end and mother is sitting to my left.

i spot a table with a bunch of presents on it and excitedly kick my feet under the table. all of those are for me!

"juliet, calm down. please, you'll make a scene" my mother scolds.

right. i guess that is a childish thing to do. i'm 11 now, i should act less recklessly.

everyone soon gathers at the table for our food to come. the kids table is being served pasta, the kind that's made from elbow macaroni. any long noodle-y pasta like spaghetti would be too messy, especially for an event like this.

tease | brother's best friend (ON HOLD)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora