"I'm afraid I don't follow."

"Right, I keep forgetting that the men in your world aren't exactly like the ones in mine. What I mean is...Let's see, how do I put this?... He's starting to think that you might become very special to him."

"Special how?"

"The way all women are special to men."

It took half a second for it to sink in for Charlie.

"Are you implying that he intends to choose me for a mate?" Charlie asked now blushing just as much as Alastor had been.

"Not exactly. I don't think he's looking for commitment right now but with time, maybe you two could be-"

"Absolutely not!" Charlie cut her off. "Do you have salt water in your brain? I couldn't possibly mate with him."

"Why not?"

"Well for starters, how about the fact that we're not even the same species?"

"You're only half of a different species."

"We live in two different worlds."

"With an interchangeable tail, there's really no limit in your case. Also you said that you wanted to prove that humans are capable of love, what better way to prove it than to fall in love with one yourself? I mean you'll spending the whole Summer with him anyway."

"Oh my God, you little sneak." Charlie scolded quietly. "That was your plan all along wasn't it? You've been trying to set me up with your brother since the very beginning, haven't you?"

"Well...Not the very beginning." Beth confessed looking a little guilty.

"Oh the nerve of some humans." She scoffed. "How dare you deceive me and how dare you meddle in my relationships."

"Okay don't get too angry, I didn't deceive you all the way. I really did want to help you, I just thought maybe I could also help my brother in the process of it. You know, kill two birds with one stone?"

"Heavens, you kill birds too? What kind of sick child are you?"

"Again metaphor. It means I tried to solve two problems with the same solution. You want to escape being with someone you don't love and prove that humanity can be good. My brother has closed his heart off to everyone except me and I can't be with him forever, he's needs somebody. So I thought..."

"You thought bringing us together would solve those issues?"

"Kind of."

Charlie rolled her eyes.

"Listen I know I may have crossed a few lines but you two are perfect for each other. You're literally his dream woman."

"We've only known each other for three days."

"But you're everything he told me he looked for in a woman."

"Was a fish tail on the list?"


"And that's why your plan is insane. I'm a mermaid, he's a human, we could never be together. It's strictly forbidden."

"But I thought you were all for breaking the rules and changing things."

"Not if the rules make sense. Think about it, how could he live with me underwater? He can't even swim. And there's the fact that he's your primary care giver and being with me would mean leaving you to fend for yourself."

"You could live up here with us then."

"And never see my parents or my sisters again?"

"You could always visit them."

"No I couldn't. My father would never allow such a union. If I mated with a human he would disown me and I'd be banished from the sea forever. He'd never forgive me and I'd never see my family again. Oh and one more thing, do you honestly think Alastor would love me if he knew what I really was? You think that he could accept that I wasn't a real human?"

Beth became quiet as she thought about everything Charlie had just said. She finally realized that in her excitement to get Charlie and Alastor together, she had overlooked a few important details. Charlie had a point, how would Alastor react if he found out Charlie was a mermaid? He never did take to fairy tales or mythology or anything that logic couldn't explain. Finding out that mermaids were real would most likely not go over with him well.

Rosie then made her way over to them.

"Hello Beth." She said. "Your friend here is a wonderful singer. It's been a long time since I've heard someone sing that good. May I ask who she is?"

"Rosie this is Charlie." Beth introduced. "Charlie this is my brother's boss Rosie."

"Pleased to meet you." Charlie smiled politely.

"Likewise I'm sure." Rosie said. "I beg your pardon, I've never seen you around here before. Are you new to Chant de la Mer?"

"Yes. I'll be spending the Summer here."

"With your family?"

"No. I'm on my own here."

"She's kind of between homes right now so she'll be staying with us for the Summer." Beth said.

"Couldn't she stay at a hotel or an inn?"

"She doesn't have any money."

"We don't use money where I'm from." Charlie said.

"Interesting." Rosie took a seat. "Where are you from exactly?"

"Nowhere important." She answered. "Just some far off place, near the sea."

"And how did you meet Beth?"

"We met on the beach. That's where we normally spend time together. I swim a lot."

"Yes I'm sure you do." Rosie said with a knowing gleam in her eye. "I'm sure someone like you swims extremely often."

Charlie and Beth grew nervous.

"Beth." Rosie turned to the eleven year old, who now suddenly felt like she had been caught doing something bad and was about to be punished. "I think I would like to have a word with you in the backroom."


"Oh I was hoping that maybe you could help me look for something in there. A certain 'bottle' of mine that went missing."

Beth gulped when she realized that Rosie was now on to her.

"I...I...I..." She stammered. "Do we have to have this little talk now?"

"No. We could always have later when Alastor comes back, though I'm certain he'll want to know the details."

Beth stood up from her chair.

"In the back you said?"

Rosie then lightly urged Beth along into the other room. Charlie would have followed but Alastor was returning to the table and she had a feeling that she should probably keep the man from knowing about that private chat.

"Where's Beth?" He asked placing three glasses of ice water the table.

"Bathroom." Charlie lied.


He took a seat and she proceeded to distract him with a conversation about sea mammals. She hoped that she'd be able to keep his interest until Beth came back.

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