Chapter 7

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He fit in my arms perfectly, that was the first thing I really noticed. The boy was an absolutely adorable human being. His eyes were so wide and brightly blue that I was held in place by them, again.

There was just something about looking at him. His eyes, they always seemed to draw me into him in a way I'd never felt before. It was dangerous and yet I couldn't see how it wasn't worth it. I wasn't as afraid of the feeling as I had anticipated.

What was happening between us?

I swallowed and realised he spiled all over himself. I stood us straight. My own wine glass had been empty, I set it down with his before I took his hand. It was warm and small and he barely said a word as I lead us back into my room.

I rummaged through my shirts trying to find one that was the same colour and hopefully not too big. Even if it was small on me, I had a feeling it would still be bigger on him.

"You don't have to," he chuckled nervously and as I had a shirt in my hand and turned to him. I saw him attempt to dust it off like somehow it would make it better. I shook my head with an amused smile. He truly was just so adorable.

I took his hand again and lead him to my bathroom. I got my wash cloth and ringed it thoroughly before I made him ditch his shirt. I wiped St his neck where the wine had gone all the way around and then his chest. As I finished I realised how weird I probably looked.

"Sorry- shoot, I-" I held out the wash cloth for him and he offered me a smile. I saw his tan skin dust pink from his neck to his cheeks then.

"It's okay," he chuckled. "These things happen. You did a pretty good job though." I swallowed then as I was forced to realise that his chest was in plain view.

His skin was so deeply tan, naturally so and I wondered just how soft it would feel beneath my fingers, as I looked at him like a man without restraint, his nipples were taunt and I felt my mouth water at the sight. I took the shirt from my shoulder and pushed it into his chest. "Here."

A part of me was beginning to swell and I didn't need to encourage it. Especially as he smiled and images I had this morning came back to me. I cleared my throat and rubbed my forehead. "I-uh- yeah, sorry."

I moved to leave the bathroom, not closing the door and left my room as well feeling flustered and like a real pervert. What had I just done? Why had I? Also, how didn't he stop me? You're bigger than him, asshole, he probably felt too intimidated to try.

I cursed myself as I cleared the glasses and got a cloth to wipe the spot that the wine dripped onto. He joined me sooner than I had hoped. I had contemplated how I would apologize and came up blank. I was sorry of course, for invading his space and treating him like some child who couldn't get the job done, I was also sorry for sexualizing him in my mind and being widely inappropriate.

He was flushed, his lips pursed as the shirt barely sat on him, it was sliding over his shoulder and I felt a part of me twitch at the exposed skin and I shook my head, blinking rapidly and looking away.

"I-uh-, I need to apologize." I cleared my throat unable to look at him.

"You really don't. I'm the clumsy one."

"No, no," I furrowed my brows. "I touched you, and I shouldn't have. It was inappropriate and- and, well, I'm really sorry." I felt like something lodged itself in my throat.

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