Chapter 4

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His scent was everything.

We were rolling around and laughing, both of us grappling for the remote. His fingers on mine and mine on his and his arm wrapped around my body, I didn't wanna move. I wondered if there was a way I could prolong this moment somehow.

I managed to get the upper hand, smirking as I was on top of him, we stared at one another until I realised that I could feel him. Like, every contour of his muscles, he was panting and so was I and the longer we stared at one another, our hands around the remote on his chest, the more I realised a part of him was growing.

His scent hit me first, the honey and wood scent became heavy and slightly musty, it was pure man and thick with pheromones. I flared my nostrils and I swallowed my growl. His cock was growing hard beneath me and is shifted, his eyes widened and his breath caught and he pursed his lips. I watched his cheeks grow red. His cock was right by my balls and I too was beginning to grow.

My door bell rang and I sat up, Terrence groaned and I realised that I was now firmly on his hard-on and it felt good. I wanted to stay, to explore it but I also knew he wasn't ready, he wouldn't be able to accept it.

I stood then. "Sorry!" I sqeaked and ran for the door. I swallowed dryly and my eyes were wide and my excitement was evident in my smile and another part of me indicated a different kind of excitement. The delivery boy was someone I knew Jason, from the pack, he grinned at me and I rolled my eyes.


"All by yourself?" He sniffed and looked behind me and I tried to block him.

"Nosey." He stuck his tongue out and I realised I left the money in my bedroom. "Wait here." I told him because I didn't want him to see who I had over.

Terrence was sitting up and running his hand over his buzz cut hair. He saw the pizza and stood. He shook his leg out and adjusted his pants but I could still make out the light bulge.

"Food!" He said with a nervous and awkward cheer. I smiled at his attempt to diffuse the situation and realised he probably hoped I would ignore it.

"Help yourself, I'll be right back." He sat down and I quickly got the money and tip and ran for the door. Jason was barefoot and helping himself to a slice. I growled lowly and narrowed my eyes at the boy.

"I told you to wait," I practically whined and he rolled his eyes.

"As if I listen to you." Terrence was watching with amusement.

I groaned and took his hand, slapping the money in his hand and turning him around and practically pushed him out the door. "I'm so telling your mom."

"Would you stop!" I stomped my foot and he chuckled. Even though I was older than him, much like everyone else in the pack, I was never taken seriously because of the simple fact that everything I do was just labled cute because of my omega status. I grumbled as he made kissy faces at me instead.

I huffed and headed to the kitchen and sat down. "Sorry about that."

"A friend of yours?" I snorted.

"On of the many kids I've looked after actually."

"That's cute, I was sure he was your brother or something, the way he spoke." I felt myself drain of colour as I looked at Terrence's amused face.

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