
Still haven't learned their lessons from what I can see.

Rei: Poor Soul. It must be soo hard for him.

Me: I am more worried about himself than that chicken.

He's a pro after all.

If he wasn't trained by the hero commission but send by them, then there should be some worry but he's trained since he was 4.

If anyone can do it then it will be him.

I should never tell that to the chicken tho.

Don't wanna feed his ego.

Rei: I know... He is eating less and less these days. How about trying to go outside and let him fly around?

As if that works....

I am sure I could even throw him off a building and he would act like a bird that doesn't know how to fly...

Wouldn't even try that or risk having him on a damn roof these days.

You never know!

The mind is a serious mystery.

Who knows if he gets suicidal from how depressed he is?!

Me: I tried that once. Even Shoto tried to talk him into flying but he would reject it.

Rei: It's as if he lost the will to survive...

Me: I know...

It was really worrysome to know that the boy was suffering. If there was something I could do to help him out, I would have done so a long time ago.

Rei: I hope the sleeping meds in the milk will help him rest even for a bit.

Me: I still don't like it

Rei: Me neither but would you rather he stays awake and go insane?

Me: No.

Rei: See...

Me: I already informed his school that he'll stay at home.

Rei: I tried getting off work too but they don't let me.

Me: It's fine. I'll be here over the day and have an eye on him as always.

Rei: But then you have to do the night shifts.

Me: True but by then Dabi and Shoto as well as you will be here for him.

Rei: I understand.

Me: I am sorry... I wish there was something I could do.

Rei: I know. We should get to sleep too.

Me: Yeah... Sorry for waking you up.

Rei: It's fine. I am worried over him too.

Ever after Hawks left something changed in him. He used to be bright and laugh as well as joke with my son Shoto but after he left him with me he stopped doing that.

I know from Hawks that he goes to the hospital to heal some innocent young children who needed the care but didn't had money for it but not even that was something he wanted to do anymore.

If I would describe him then it would be mentally exhausted and dead inside. It was on multiple levels wrong and I had soo many red flags popping up in my mind that I had to do something. Tho the question was... What could I do?

It wasn't as if I could just get the chicken back for him. I tried but the hero commission insisted that it had to be some special secret operation where no information was allowed to leak. It was all bullshit in my eyes. They wanted to break him and have him come over and I knew that. Only this way could they make him sign up a contract with them. This was the last thing Hawks warned me about before leaving.

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