Jun - Kissing Booth pt2

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"Here you go," You said as you handed the overtly excited girl her ticket. 

The day of the carnival is finally here and your class had managed to set up the kissing booth to compete for the annual class battle of has the most profitable booth. 

Your class, by far, was winning this year due to some very obvious reasons. 

Of course, as the class president, you had overlooked all the necessary preparations for the kissing booth, and much to your annoyance, you even had to work with Mia. 

But what you were mostly surprised about was how the school board had even approved the booth. You had expected the principal to have refused to approve the kissing booth proposal and force your class to pick up on a new idea, but instead the principal gave your class and instant yes.

If you were to be honest, you weren't too happy with the entire kissing booth idea. 

It all just seemed very provocative and adult-ish for a school carnival. At least there was a thin blind separating the rest of the line from the two people who were kissing so that there wasn't a blatant public display of attention which no one wants to see. 

You were working at the ticket counter for your time shift and there was a huge line waiting to get their tickets.


Because of Moon Junhui. 

Arguably the most hottest, handsome and popular guy in your school. He is very silent and secretive, almost as if he were a mystery novel, but even you can't deny how handsome he is. 

Jun had volunteered to take part in the kissing booth and once the girls in your school heard, they all had went ballistic. 

"Sorry. You're not eligible," You told the young girl in front of you.

"But why!" The girl in front of you demanded in an annoyingly high pitched nasally voice. 

"You don't fit the age criteria. I'm sorry. The kissing booth is only allowed for sixteen and above," You pointed out. 

"But Jun is doing it right now!" The girl protested. 

"I'm sorry," You shrugged your shoulders, "I didn't make these rules."

The girl let out a frustrated noise and stomped away. 

You sighed deeply. 

You have been dealing with such girls for the past hour in the hot blazing sun and now you were exhausted. 

Just when you felt like running away from the booth, you felt a tap on your shoulder and you turned around to se Emily standing behind you. 

"We need you up there," Emily said, pointing at the stage. 

You frowned, asking, "Why?" 

"We need you to go and take the chair for a while now," Emily told you. 

"But I didn't volunteer to be a kisser. My shift is the ticket counter," You said. 

"Yeah but one of the girls is down with the flu and Mia has been literally kissing random people for the past two hours. She needs a break and we need someone else to do," Emily told you. 

"Why can't you do it then?" You asked. 

"Because I did it in the morning. I can't just do it again," Emily said. 

"Of course you can. No one said you can't do it twice," You told her with a pointed look. 

Emily rolled her eyes in annoyance and said, "Why are you so defensive. Don't tell me you haven't kissed anyone before."

You too made an annoyed face and said, "Of course I have." 

"Then what's the problem?" Emily asked. 

You bit your tongue from saying something sharp at her. As much as you didn't want to volunteer, it was now a matter of pride and so you got. 

"Fine," You said, "I'll do it but watch the ticket counter. And don't let anyone under sixteen enter!" 

You walked towards the backstage with clenched fists. 

As soon as Mia saw you, she quickly got up and handed you the blindfold. 

"Thank god you're here," Mia said, "I'm so tired, I'm going to pass out."

You just nodded, not really paying her much attention. How tiring can kissing be that she's going to pass out? 

You walked to the secluded area and sat on the chair putting your blindfold over your eyes. 

You just wanted to get this over with as soon as possible and so called onto the next person waiting outside to come in. 

You heard some shuffling before hearing the sound of the stool in front of you scraping along the floor. 

You suddenly felt very conscious and nervous. 

You didn't even who the person was in front of you and were now expected to kiss a complete stranger. 

You cleared your throat and said, "Uh. . .hi."

You weren't even sure if you were supposed to start a conversation. 

When the person in front of you didn't say anything, you continued, "Uh-so I guess we just go fo-"

You were cut off abruptly when the person sitting in front of you gently places his lips on top of yours. 

You could tell he was tall, judging by the way he guided your face with his thin, soft fingers upwards to meet his lips. The pair of lips touching yours were soft, almost like a marshmallow, and they tasted like sweet peppermint, not something too minty or strong. Just subtle enough to last a lingering taste.  

The guy gently moved his lips against yours, making sure to keep things innocent and yet at the same time make things erotic. 

You were disappointed when the timer rang just as he gently licked your lower lip and you quickly pulled away as the guy did the same. 

Without even thinking, you reached up to take off your blindfold, something you weren't supposed to.

But you just had to find out who those lips belonged to. 

When you opened your eyes, you received the biggest surprise of your life. 

Because sitting in front of you is none other than Moon Junhui. 

You just kissed Moon Junhui. 

I had so much fun writing this that I'm genuinely thinking of converting this into a book. But I literally don't have time right now so maybe later lol. 

I don't know if you guys can see the message I posted on my profile but this week is my finals and I have two exams today, which I've given up studying for (may my soul rest in peace after my grades are out), and I had three reports due this week as well. Which is why I most likely won't be able to update my other two books this week, especially Hidden Love. Hidden Love is the hardest book I've ever written and I usually need time to write each chapter. 

The only reason I can even update this today is because I had already written this a week ago. I hope you guys can understand and I will definitely be back next week! 

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