Seungkwan - Badminton

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"Okay ready? Here we go," Seungkwan said as he threw the shuttle into the air and hit it with his racket, sending it towards you. 

You squinted your eyes from the bright sunlight and brought your arm up to attempt and hit the shuttle but failed miserably. 

However Seungkwan was not dejected by this fail and instead said, "It's okay. Let's try one more time." 

Seungkwan pulled out another white feather shuttle from the pocket of his training pants and repeated his actions sending it towards you. This time you managed to hit the shuttle, however it barely went any further. 

However Seungkwan was elated by your very small success and instead cheerfully said, "Y/N! That was good! Let's ty again." 

Seungkwan did the same thing again, throwing the shuttle in the air and then hitting it with the badminton racket so that it will fly towards you. 

However this time you ended up missing the shot completely and let out a cry of frustration from your failure. 

"UGH! I'm so terrible at this. Why can't I ever hit it?" You said frustrated. Dis-motivated to continue further you walked away from the pavement and towards the bench at the very corner of the park. 

"Hey, what's wrong," Seungkwan asked as he jogged towards you. Seungkwan sat down next to you as you threw your hear back in frustration. 

"I'm so bad at it," You said, "It's making me even more stressed." 

"Don't say that. You've really improved. And I actually mean it," Seungkwan said, sounding very sincere.

You throw him a questioning look but know he is correct. When you tried playing for the first time, you lost control of our grip on your racket and it ended up flying towards Seungkwan, who did everything in his power to not curse at you. 

You sighed before placing your hand on his knee and saying, "Thank you for being patient with me." 

Although Seungkwan tends to be hotheaded and worked up, he was surprisingly very patient with you, something Vernon and Dino find baffling. Whenever you tell the two how sweet and calm Seungkwan is to you, they refuse to believe it. 

"I mean it babe. You're doing really good. And once you get the hang of it, playing badminton will become fun," Seungkwan told you. 

"Do we have to play it?" You groaned. 

"We don't have to," Seungkwan said, "But you're the one who said you wanted to get out of the house." 

"I hate it when you're correct," You muttered under your breath but loud and clear enough for Seungkwan to listen. 

"Come on. Let's try a few more rounds and then I'll take you out for some dinner," Seungkwan said, getting up and taking your hand in his, pulling you up. 

"Really?" Your face lit up as you heard the word 'dinner'. 

"Yes. Really," Seungkwan said, chuckling as he found you adorable, "But first, a few rounds."

"Alright!" You jumped up, "Let's do this." 

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