Vernon - Camping

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"It would be so much fun, won't it be children!" You mom called out from the front passenger seat.

Your younger brother agreed in joy and your younger sister squealed in delight. 

Meanwhile you looked out of the window with a sour expression and folded your arms across your chest, taking a deep breath as if you were dreading the upcoming weekend. 

Well, you were. 

"Y/N? I didn't hear you?" Your mom said, trying to get a look at you from where she was sitting in front of you. 

"Yayy," You grumbled a bit sarcastically. 

You could tell from the corner of your eye that your mom narrowed her eyes but your father quickly said, "Let her be. Her mood will improve once we actually get there."

You knew your mood won't improve by the time you would reach there but you kept your mouth shut just for the peace of the family.

Your family is going on a camping trip over the weekend with your mom's two best friend's families. You knew there will be a campfire with marshmallows, a lake to swim in, and plenty of other outdoor adventures you love. But the problem wasn't the trip, the problem was who was coming along. 

Of course you really like your mom's best friends. They are cool and funny and their children and husbands are also nice all apart from one person. 

Choi Hansol. 

He is the only person you had a problem with. 

Hansol and you are the same age, in the same school, in the same class and even unfortunately assigned to be seat-mates. 

This would all sound really nice since you've known him from the minute you were literally born but it's a nigthmare. 

Hansol and you can never get along no matter how hard you tried, and now you have just given up altogether. 

He is obnoxious, mean, cruel, his sense of humor is bad and his keeps on pulling pranks on you all the time just because he enjoys seeing you suffer. Not to mention that he keeps on trying to rap as if he is a rap god or something. 

It's annoying. 

And now you have to go on a weekend getaway with him also there and to say that you are already dreading it is an understatement. 

You're pretty sure that he's going to annoy the hell out of you this entire weekend and won't leave you alone at all. 

You won't be surprised if you return with your hair dyed green or your skin stained blue or even half of your belongings just missing. 

Much to your dismay, you all arrived earlier than you wanted. 

You stepped out in the scorching sun, taking in a deep breath to prepare for the upcoming weekend. 

"Sup slugface"

You turned around and saw Hansol standing behind you with an evil smirk. n

And so the hell weekend begins. 

Throughout the day Hansol put two earthworms in your bowl or rice when you weren't looking, successfully pushed you into the lake and then convinced you it had vicious creatures in, managed to make you trip and fall on the mountain trek and also purposefully drop the luggage on your feet. 

It was now night and you were exhausted by Hansol's scheme of the day. At least he would give you a break during the night since you will be sharing a tent with your siblings. 

No matter how much of an idiot he is, there is now way Hansol will try anything with a lot of people around.

"I'm going to go sleep mom. I'm tired," You said, getting up from the bonfire where everyone is gathered. 

"All right sweetheart," Your mom said, "By the way you're sleeping in that tent." 

You looked in the way your mom was pointing at and asked, "Who's tent is that?" 

"Hansol's," Your mom replied. 

"Oh okay-Wait WHAT!" You paused in your tracks with your eyes wide open with horror. 

Hansol meanwhile, who was sitting across from you, choked on his hot chocolate and coughed out loud. 

'Sad. He didn't choke and kill himself,' You wondered. 

"Yeah. We both thought it would be a wonderful idea for the two of you to bond together," Hansol's mom said.

"But she's a girl mom. I'm a boy," Hansol said, clearly not in favor of these arrangements either. 

"And so? Your sister is also a girl. Do you not every share a room with her?" Hansol's mother spoke to him sternly. 

You tugged your mom on her sleeve, asking her to step in the side for a bit. 

"Mom! I can't share a tent with. He's a up grown up teenager. Aren't you afraid he will do something to me in the night?" You said. 

"Don't be ridiculous. What will he ever do to you? Besides, I'm sure you're not his type anyways," Your mom said. 

"Mom!" You said, feeling insulted. 

Next thing you know is that you're sleeping next to Hansol and his tent with the two of you staring up at the ceiling and not saying a word to one another. 

You shifted in your sleeping bag for the nth time to find a more comfortable position and you hear Hansol gave out an irritated sigh. 

"Can you stop moving!" He hissed. 

"I can't sleep," You told him. 

"Not my problem," Hansol said, "Because of you moving, I can't sleep." 

"I guess then you'll have to suck it up and get used to it," You snapped back. 

"God you are so damn annoying," Hansol said.

"And you are literally Satan's child," You fired back, "I don't know how they handle you."

"At least they like me. You got kicked out of your own tent," Hansol pointed out. 

You sat up and said, "Did not." 

Hansol sat up and said, "Did too." 

"Did not," You said once more. 

Hansol smiled sweetly and said, "Did too." 

"Ugh, I hate you," You cried out. 

"Aww I hate you too," Hansol said, acting as if he's touched. 

"I hope you rot in hell," You tell him. 

"Only after I do this," Hansol said and you turn to see him leaning towards you. In panic you swat his hands away but he somehow lost his balance and the next thing you know is that your back is touhing the ground with Hansol falling on top of you. 

You widen your eyes as you stare into his eyes, his lips only a few centimeters away. 

For a moment Hansol is frozen there, on top of you, until he realizes what happens and quickly pulls away from you, looking away from you awkwardly. 

"I-I-I" Hansol stutters awkwardly. 

You're felling awkward too and you turn away saying, "I'm sleeping."

"Me too," Hansol agreed, turning away and the two of lay with your backs facing each other. 

Only two more days until Face the Sun. Oh my god. Hot's instrumental sounds so damn good. i wish I had musical talent so I would use the audio kit and make something nice but I don't. Btw, thank you so much for 10k plus reads!! 

Thank you everyone for reading so far! 

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