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A/N: Once again, this is the same piece under my work: Tim Bradford and Lucy Chen: S4 Moments. Just for referencing and continuity purposes.


Tim wasn't sure of what to expect when he walked onto the main floor with nearly the entire precinct surrounding Lucy at a computer. Whatever the case, he did not expect to come face to face with someone who looked exactly like him.
"Dim" was his age, his height, his...everything. Well, except for the greased-back hair and drug dealing bit. Needless to say, he was too creeped out (and trying not to show it) to really be concerned with the fact that his unrelated twin was a criminal with a sucky name and gross hygiene habits.

Meeting Tim's doppelganger was weird but hilarious, to say the least. At least it was until she met her own. She had to admit, the badass but could-care-less attitude of her counterpart was something she could get on board with. But what the hell kind of name was Jucy? What was worse was that this other-worldly version of her was dating Tim. Dim. Same difference. But that meant that she would be going undercover with Tim.
As his girlfriend.
She desperately needed to wake up from this twisted nightmare.

The end of the day landed him in Lucy's living room, on her couch, talking about how they first met. Well, how Dim and Jucy first met. He didn't give in to that "way of the universe" crap but this. This was just unreal.
Despite that, it was the job, as usual.
"If we're going to make this work, our backstory's gotta be airtight."
"Agreed," she confirmed while handing him a beer before sitting beside him. "So, um, how did...Dim and Jucy meet?"
He made an easy, split-second decision. "At a barbeque."
She hummed, scrunched her face up (in a cute way his mind supplied rebelliously), and shot that idea down.

"At a barbeque" was such a Tim response. He was still Tim, he hadn't assumed the Dim persona. Which, if they were to pull this off successfully, he needed to be able to fit into that skin. He couldn't give the slightest hint of being uncomfortable as Dim because he was Dim. Or going to be at least.
"That's lame," she replied without hesitation.
"Really?" he asked dubiously, "you think you can do better?" Challenge accepted.
"WATCH me," she said, a bit of Nova's assertiveness slipping through the cracks. She set her beer down and cleared her throat, preparing to give this her total attention.
"Okay, so, were on the run from the cops. A bank robbery gone wrong. You ended up in my building-frantic, looking for a place to hide and...and I opened the door for you."

It was frightening, how easily this came for her. He didn't know who was sitting across from him, talking to him right now. She started off uncertainly, but quickly found a handhold. Once she had a good grasp on the foundation of their story, he could see on her face the moment things began to click into place. She had it down to every detail. Why was he running from the cops? She had that. She foundered a bit but then was reinvigorated by the how. The finality about her voice when said that she had opened the door for him was more than a rehearsal. It was like she had already lived it. This had been their story and always was.
"I lied, to the cops, for you." She picked up her beer again, relaxing as if she'd told this story thousands of times before. "And...ooh! It got me so hot, that we...hooked up. While they were still searching the building." By this point, her tone had taken on a dusky, seductive, but intimate and reflective appeal. Any hesitations on her part were now planned. He could see the Lucy he knew in a few moments, where her face lit up at the ideas that were stewing beneath the surface.
It was good, and he expressed as much. But he was unsettled by the fact that before she smiled again, it wasn't Lucy sitting across from him. It was Jucy, retelling their Bonnie and Clyde-esque tale to a curious audience.

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