Part 31

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Marcy's POV

     By the time we got back, it was late, the sun had long set and all you could hear was the beasts around looking for their next meal and the gentle snores of what could only be Sasha.  Anne led me over to a small pile of leaves. "come on," She said "there are 3 piles we don't need to share," I said "I don't mind that you wouldn't want to sleep next to Sasha," Anne said in a hushed voice. I just gave a small blush, "It is later," I said walking over and getting myself comfortable in the warm crook of Anne's neck. It seemed as if we fit together like the right puzzle piece. She wrapped her arms around my waist and neck, pulling me further into the warmth of her body. I smile, soundly, I drift to sleep almost as if the dangers of the pond weren't creeping closer. I woke to a soft touch, I open my eyes to see Anne gingerly caressing my cheek. "Morning Marce," She said extending her hand for me to grab which I gratefully did. "Mornin Anne," I said looking into her eyes and smiling. We sat down eating bugs and other things we found somewhat eatable. We ate until there was no more, that wasn't hard. "Ok according to the map in about 5 minutes we should get to the," I trailed off "uhh, you ok Marce," Anne asked, even Sasha looked over her shoulder from the stump she was sitting on. I hadn't realized how far we had actually come. We were going to start crossing the river. One of my most embarrassing fears was deep waters, and Anne had no idea. Oh, and Sasha didn't either. "The lake," I finished "but we don't know how to build a raft," Anne said "Well I don't, I don't know about Sasha," She said the last part with a twinge of toxic showing. "No, we never crossed any waters like that before," she said. "Luckily for you, I took construction lessons," I said slightly proud of myself. "oh yeah, that's how you fixed the statue back in Wartwood," Anne said looking at me with her bright face. That's something I always admired about Anne, she felt happy if her friends were happy, and she was sad if they were. She was really loyal, unlike what I did, getting us trapped in Amphibia. "well we better get cracking," Anne said. Sasha walked far upfront while Anne and I did what had come accustomed to us. We held hands. "hey, Anne," I started "there's something I should admit," I said "What up Marbles," Anne asked " I, am deeply afraid of big oceans and wide rivers," I confessed "what," She asked looking at me "I didn't know that," She added I wonder if Macy, Mack, and  Marcus have the same fear. I thought "hey are you going to be ok crossing the river," Anne asked "y-yeah, I think I can make it a day on the water," I said getting more confident as I spoke. "alright, I'll be here though," Anne said bringing a small blush to my face "hey, what are we going to do, for the date," I asked "oh, well I was thinking a diner in Newtopia," Anne suggested, "I think I saw one while being chased by an angry mob," Anne said scratching the back of her head. "I think I found the river," Sasha announced standing in a clearing Anne and I stepped through. The river had been 10 miles wide, more of a long pond if you'd ask most people. "you ready," Anne asked getting a small nod. I gulped. 

After the construction picture the raft how you please

 No ones pov

     Anne and Sasha got onto the raft. Sasha still ashamed, confused, and hungry walked away to sit and look at the water. Anne gave a comforting look to Marcy pulling her up onto the unsteady ground, "boats had always been more of a place where I fall more," Marcy said getting her footing. Anne took mental note of this and untied the raft pushing from the edge with her shoed foot. Marcy clung to a pole in the middle. "It's ok Marbles," Anne reassured. While this slightly made Marcy's nerves better, she still held the pole, but with one arm. The broken one rested in the cast and in pain in her lap. Marcy had always tried to not complain, no one likes a baby, but the truth had been if it weren't for Anne she would have broken down into tears, unable to be fixed. Anne sat down next to Marcy laying her head on Marcy's shoulder, Marcy laid her head on Annes. This is where they rested, leaving Sasha to keep the sail steady and on track. Sasha didn't mind, she had a plan, a plan B to be more exact. Grime would be waiting outside the walls of Newtopia, where he would make his move once we were there at 8 PM sharp.

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