Part 22

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Annes POV

     We had fed Mint after like 3 hours of trying to find out what she eats, after all, that it was leaves. she ate leaves. Like, come on. Marcy had been playing with Mint for some time now. I went over to go check on them. I see mint sleeping next to Marcy, who seemed to be upset she was looking at her phone. I was getting a little worried she had been distracted all day. Or since she looked at her phone a little while ago. I walked over and sat next to her. "Hey, Marmar you ok?" I asked "Oh, uhh yeah," She said looking up and putting on an obviously fake smile. "Marcy, don't lie, I know when you lie," I said in a slightly stern voice "Am I that bad at lying," She asked looking back down. "Yes, and I am your best friend I think I would know, so spill it," I said scooting closer to her "ok, w-well when I looked at my phone I saw the last message my... mother sent me," She said looking down at the grass and leaning in placing her head on my shoulder. "So, you miss her," I asked "No, they never did care for me, but I am glad they cared enough to text me this," She said tears brimming her eyes she handed me her phone and turned her head to face my neck "Marcy, I just thought you have the right to know your dad getting a new job isn't the only reason we are moving, as you know you are nothing special in this family so we were going to move you in with your quadruplets Mack, Macy, and Marcus honestly soon to be not mom" This made me boil with anger yet so upset. After 13 year I finally know why we never go over to her house, or why she was always so skittish, and would always go off into thought constantly. I just hugged her I knew she didn't need anything, but to be comforted. I sat there rubbing her back while she softly sobbed into my shirt. About 20 minutes later she stopped I looked down her grip on my shirt died and her eyes were closed mouth open, she had red puffy eyes with wet warm cheeks. I took my sleeve and whipped the tears away before laying my head down just thinking about how Marcy isn't the only one she has quads what were the names Mack, Macy, and Marcus?

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