Part 27

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Marcy's POV

     I sat on the rock. Both shocked and scared, I tried to remember a way I calmed down back in school, the park, home pretty much everywhere. I looked at Anne took deep breaths, and watched her movements. This helped all the time. Anne walked back over and helped me get up. She led me to an area where she sat me down and gave me water. "After this we need to keep going," I said "I agree," Anne responded. "I wont take no for an answer-," I satrted "wait what," I asked. "Mint is a living thing and I know how much you care for her, I care for her," Anne told me looking right into my eyes. A sweet smile on her face. "ok," I said. I finished drinking. Anne helped me up and we started walking back to Sasha. I really dont want to see her right now I thought to myself. I thing Anne noticed how uncomfortable I was and she took my free hand, and she slowly led the way back. All it takes is breaking and arm to get some extra Anne loves... why dont I have more bones. The thought came and then left. I saw Sasha looking into the water. "ok lets go," Anne said. I took the light out and we pointed it towards a tree. "that way," I shouted pointing. I tried to make sure that while walking I was as close to Anne and as far from Sasha as pysicly possable. After like an hour, we took breaks, but as we were sitting on a log in the middle of the forest, I was surprised no killing creatures were around. It dawned on my, does Anne mind hoe close I am to her, I disides to test thet theory. Next time we got up again I looked at Annes face, she seemed happy. So I just kept close to her. Anne looked up, sqinting though the thick layer of leaves above head. "I think we should stop here," She commented, I agreed. Sasha staying quit in the back. I looked behind me quikly and snapped back. We sat down by two trees. Sasha and Anne set up a small camp, as Anne said I was "too hurt to help" whatever that meant. Not that I am complaining, I do get to watch Anne... and Sasha too I guess. They came and placed s few more things. "we should get to sleep," Sasha said. We layed down in the dirt. After a bit of trying to sleep. I couldnt still. I looked over and Sasha and Anne were both sleeping. I looked at Anne and unvolentaraly nuged myself closer. I stared for awhile. And then knew I wasnt going to get any sleep like this. I got up and layed back down exsept this time right next to Anne. She stirred a bit, and started moving. She pulled me closer, I now had my head dug in the crook of her chest and neck her arms wrapped around me. Then I was finnaly able to sleep. Knowing I was safe in Annes arms.

ack down and gave me a container of some sort full of water. "After this, we need to keep going,"

MarcanneWhere stories live. Discover now