"Like when?! When she comes home to find your bags packed? Jonathan," Anne sighs. "You're running out of time!"

"Fuck I know!" I palm my forehead, wishing life was easier. "But until I know for sure..." I sigh. "Weeks, months, that makes a big difference."

"Well, you'd better come clean soon," Anne warns. "You of all people should know what that could do to someone like Izzy..."

I frown knowing she's right. After everything, Izzy deserves for me to be upfront. "I'll tell her this week."

Anne frowns but nods, not looking convinced in the slightest.

"Enough business," Viktor grumbles. He gets up and pours himself another drink and nods outside. "We're celebrating, remember?"

"Right! Can't let Tony have all the fun!" I get up and grab my towel and head for the door, pausing only long enough to get Anne moving.

Mayhem greets us outside as Jack and Tony work to drag Nat into the pool. The feisty redhead isn't going down without a fight.

Her blue eyes land on Viktor and light up. "Daddy!" She shrieks. "Help!"

Viktor tugs off his t-shirt as he rushes over in his swim trunks. In no time he wrestles Jack off and tosses him into the pool. Natasha's eyes light up as she latches on to him and Becca grabs Tony's ankle to pull him in with her.

"Thank you, daddy," she purrs, batting her lashes at him.

"Don't thank me yet, princess," he teases with a devilish smirk. "I just couldn't have another man getting you wet."

Her eyes go impossibly wide as he jumps into the pool while holding her bridal style. She screams as she hits the water and smacks him a moment later.

I look around for Izzy and spot her coming from the house. She looks a million miles away but a buzz from my pocket steals my attention. Flight confirmation. I quickly tuck it away, not wanting to deal with it tonight.

"How come you're not swimming?" I ask.

"Oh, I um, was looking for my towel," she mumbles.

I look to the side and see it sitting on the back of a chair. "This one?" I hold the fabric up and arch a brow.

She nods and flashes me a sheepish smile. "That would be the one..."

"Izzy!!! Help me teach this brute a lesson!" Nat squeals.

"Shall we?" I ask, gesturing to the pool. She nods and practically drools as I peel my t-shirt off and toss it with the towels.

She pauses at the poolside and licks her lips as she looks up at me through her dark lashes. I arch a brow but move closer.

"I need to tell you something," she whispers. She curls her finger, drawing me closer.

"What's that, angel?" I lean in and tilt my head for this secret. Izzy rests her hands on my chest and reaches up so close I feel her breath fan across my neck.

"I won." I turn my head to face her, brows furrowed at a loss but the mischief dancing in her sapphire gaze registers too slowly.

A wicked grin splits her face as she shoves as hard as she can against my chest, sending me backwards into the pool. I hit the cool water in slow motion, eyes locked on hers as she bites her lip.

Laughter greets me as I break the surface once more. Izzy's frozen in place as I slick my hair back out of my eyes.

"Is that how we're playing?" I challenge. Izzy takes a tentative step back as excitement dances in her eyes.

"Girl," Becca drawls, "you better run!"

Her eyes go impossibly wide as I haul myself out of the water, clearly faster than she thought possible. She dashes to the house but I catch her easily at the patio door, pinning her against it.

"Naughty brat," I warn. She opens her mouth to save her skin but we're long past that.

I spin her around and toss her over my shoulder as she shrieks. "You're all wet!"

"You're gonna be too!" I land a solid slap to her ass, my wet palm no doubt making it sting even more. She squeaks and squirms earning another on her other side.

"Ouch!" Izzy tries to slap my ass but the angle is awkward and has little impact but earns her alternating swats on either side with each step.

"Jonathan!" She's switched tactics to swatting at my hands which has less than zero effect.

"Better hold your breath, kitten," I warn. She squeals again as I shift her into my arms, bridal style and jump in.

I break the water, shoving her above first. The look on her face as her raven locks are plastered to her pale skin reminds me of one of those wet kitten posters.

"Fair is fair." Izzy rolls her eyes at my tease but wraps herself around me, latching onto my neck and waist. "Don't worry, angel, I've got you."

She grumbles but relaxes against me. Moments like this are worth everything. They are the small things I fear losing the most.

I have another week... then I'll face the music.

His Broken Submissive : MercyWhere stories live. Discover now