Chapter 9: Power-men

Start from the beginning

Smart-man, smart as he is, grabs a random pebble of the ground and throws it at the monster that wasn't chasing him with all his might.

As it was flying towards it, the silhouette of a naked smart-man folding his hands in the lying fetal position flashes around the pebble for some reason and the words "Please hit him, HOLY THROW!" can be heard by the three life forms, the two monsters and smart-man himself.

He quickly becomes embarrassed.

"A naked man.." the monster said and shortly after was hit by the pebble, doing no damage whatsoever.

Smart-man forgot himself as he was holding his face in shame.
"How did that even happen......"

He didn't notice that the monster that was chasing him finally caught up and was about to grab Smart-man between his finger tips.

And he does.

"Aah, let me go, my man!"

"I'M NO MAN!!!!"
The beast shouts and tightens his grip.

Smart-man's air was pushed out his lungs and thus he can't even produce a sound from his voice anymore.

In this near death moment, he remembers his mother's words.

"If you are going away, I will follow you."

It's not only his life that's on the line.
He knew that all along.

He hoped that with his sacrifice, his mother would want to live to honor him, but after hearing those words again, his determination wavered and sway to something else.

"I have to live-man."

He stretches his body as far as manly possible and regains the ability to breath thanks to the gap he created between him and this fingers that are still trying to wring the life out of him.

" Where the splat?"
The monster asks himself and looks to his hand.

"What? OH COME ON! Give up, man. Just die already."

Smart-man snickers.
"Hehehe... not now... my time-man has not come just yet, monster-man.."

"I'M NO MAN!!!!"

His grip tightens once more and smart-man struggles to withstand the force of the hand.

Unbeknownst to smart-man, his sacrifice payed off.

The other guy that was hit by the holy throw was like hypnotized and couldn't keep his eyes off of his colleague, laughing at his emotional outbursts every time smart-man called him a man.

"Kek kek kek, what a shallow fellow, kek kek kek."
The monster supervisor person thing laughed.

Because of this, just a few meters next to the main chute of the bunker, the secret chute opened and everyone was able to stealthily sneak away.

No one looked, except random-man.

He saw as the monsters were trying to crush the smart-man, but he knows that if he would try to help, smart-man's sacrifice would have been for naught.

"I'm sorry, smart-man... you really were an smart-man... but more than that, a brave-man."
A tear rolls down his cheek and vanishes into the horizon while carrying smart-man's mother on his big and strong back.



Smart-man felt his bones creak and starting to break.
Blood pours out every orifice.

His death was imminent.
Though he felt something strange.


The parts of smart-man's body that were touching the monster hand were slowly turning a disgusting green color.

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