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              There he was - stretching out on the couch and reading some boring nonfiction about the rainforest yet again. I didn't understand how he could love a book with no storyline, no plot, and no passion. I guess that's how professors took breaks – exploring a topic that they don't cover in their hour-long lectures day in and day out.  I almost admired the way he still yearned for education after completing his master's degree in physics.

              "Stop staring before I read you the notes I've prepared for the seniors tomorrow." Scott looked up for only a glance to verify I was observing him.

              "I wasn't staring, Scott. I was simply curious about what is so fascinating about rainforests that you can't put the book down." My sarcasm was hard to conceal when he made it too easy.

              "That's Professor Oliver to you, Ms. Townsend."

              He knew I hated it when he called me that. Graduation was the last time I expected someone to address me as 'Ms. Townsend'. I was about to correct him when I noticed he was no longer interested in talking, skimming the lines of the page to pick up where he left off.

              My phone buzzed moments later. It was Kristin.

              Can you come over? Rebecca is drunk, and I can't get her to the bathroom.

              Please?! I will love you forever and give you all of the cookie dough in the fridge!

              "Babe," I said in a teasing tone, "I'm going over to Kristin's and Rebecca's. I have to babysit my friend."

              "Okay, Sabrina. Have fun." I honestly didn't think he heard me entirely. He'd never taken much interest in my friends. I assumed it's because they're not as "mature and established" as Scott and his friends are. I was the fun one in our relationship.

              I grabbed my keys and overnight bag knowing I wouldn't be sleeping at Scott's as I had originally planned. I glanced at the digital clock on the wall: October 8, 8:16 p.m. Sending an incoming text to Kristin, I climbed into my Toyota Corolla and started the ten-minute drive to my friends' residence.


              "Your adoring mother has arrived to take care of my helpless children!" Walking into the foyer, there was Kristin, Rebecca, and Brandon sprawled out on the floor.

              "Hey, kiddo. Can you give us a hand, or are you going to mock us all night?" Brandon was always the charmer, blowing through life in such a carefree manner.

              Rebecca slowly raised her head before shouting, "Yeah, Mom! Give me a hand before I paint the house!"

              Kris, Brandon, and I carried Rebecca upstairs to her bathroom just in time before she could keep her promise to repaint. Placing a cold, wet washcloth on her neck and a roll of toilet paper beside her, we left Rebecca in peace and closed the door behind us.

              "Was it Sean again?" Every time she did this to herself, it was because of her controlling boyfriend telling her who she could hang out with and where she could go. After three years, you would think they would have just called it quits.

              Brandon lowered his head in disappointment, "Of course it is. I mean, how many times do we have to do this routine before it's the last time? I'm tired of not being able to do anything aside from cleaning up his mess every time he does this. Why can't she- ". My heart broke for Brandon. He'd been helplessly in love with Rebecca since middle school. Ever since her parents split up, she had been dating guys who were just like her dad – lying, controlling cheaters.

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