Chapter 9

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Big, girthy trees protected the area, shielding it from the sun with their many small leaves. “This should be easy!” said Yato. He held his scalchop in the air, up high, a beam in the Oshawott’s eyes. “Let’s do this!” Yato ran off deep into the woods as he left his escorts behind. “Wait up!” Palo shouted, chasing their client while Lily followed behind.

“Will you slow down?!” Palo asked aloud. “Please!” The penguin fell flat on his bum, panting as he lay by a tree. “Lily, could you give me an apple?” asked Palo. He held out a flipper, awaiting for the fruit and in return, was met with nothing. Not a peep from his partner or rustle from the bag. “Lily?” Palo opened his eyes upon asking tiredly to see no one with him. The Eevee was nowhere. ‘Oh no.’
* * *
From the other side of the Willow Woods, the Eevee walked wearily. “Eevee…” she said, slowly padding her way, a bag on her back. Well, two bags technically. Lily and Palo decided that she would be the one to hold their items with a saddlebag. Eventually, the fox sat, the saddlebag firmly secured on her. “Eevee…”

Where did the two go? In this shady area filled with trees, it was easy to get lost here. “Eevee!” Lily called out. Silence. The trees and bushes rustled as their leaves shook. “Eevee?” It wasn’t windy here, that was a red flag. Slowly, Lily stood back up on all fours, creeping forward. Her guard up, the Eevee was prepared for whoever hid here.

As she crept closer and closer, the bush’s rustle grew weaker. Then, it stopped. The bush went still, Lily staring at it intently, face-to-face. For a while, not a bit of movement came from the surrounding. The Eevee took a huff and sat in front of it. Maybe she was getting paranoid. Closing her eyes, Lily took a deep breath to calm herself down. “Ee…” She inhaled. “Ve-ee?!”

Lily was dragged into the bush, the saddlebag on her as well. Something or someone caught her by the scruff of her neck, running off with the Eevee. “Eevee!” Lily struggled, trying to get loose of the grip. To no avail, the junior explorer wore herself out, falling unconscious in her taker’s grasp.
* * *
“Well, isn’t this great…” commented Palo. It was an effort to calm himself, a common one the Piplup liked to use. Making conversation with yourself. “It’ll be all fine. You just have to find Lily and Yato. How hard can it be?” He retraced his steps back to see if he could find Lily first. Whenever you split up, it was recommended to get back together as soon as possible. Too bad they were a group of three separated, which meant that they could all be looking for each other. It was better to think positive and not panic so while Palo made his way to find the Eevee, he was going crazy internally.

“Lily?” He murmured. The penguin couldn’t speak out loud, growing more and more nervous as he neared the entrance. “Lily?!” He shouted. Nothing. At the entrance, Palo stood still, fear set in stone. Just where was Lily? Did she go a different path? Or did something happen to her? And they needed to find Yato too. “I guess I’ll look around until I find either of them…” Palo looked at the entry of the woods. He took a big gulp. Now or never, stepping inside once more, the Piplup found himself with another mission. Find Lily and Yato.

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