Chapter 11

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“Lily! Yato!” Palo whisper-shouted. The sky grew dark, the air chilled. It was night, the water-type by a tree in the blackened woods. He spent the whole day with nothing. Only things became problematic for the pair’s first mission. Their client ran off ahead of them and of course, Palo’s partner in the team of two, Lily, disappeared. ‘Are missions this difficult?’ the little blue penguin thought. Was this what he actually wanted to do? He didn’t really tell Lily why he wanted to do this either. A sigh elicited from the Piplup as he gazed upon the starry night. It was pretty, as if Merry were comforting him. Tomorrow he’ll continue his search. For now, the stars tonight lulled the Pokemon to sleep.
* * *
Snuggling into the warmth of white fur lay an Eevee. “Eevee…” she muttered, asleep. A nice ray of light shined on the sleeping fox and her captor… Wait.  “Eevee…?” Woozily, the Eevee opened her eyes. Finding herself cuddled, head on white fur, Lily was confused. Where was she? As she began to move, the normal-type well, couldn’t. This body of white fluff prevented the Eevee from getting up. “Eevee!” Lily grunted. A pink paw rested on the Eevee’s head, another wrapped around her. “Sylv…” the white figure murmured. Ribbon-like feelers shielded the hugged Pokemon. Who were they?

As Lily began to shift more, her taker grumbled and tightened their grip. “Eevee…” She stared defeatedly across, in the paws of the slumbering Pokemon. Whoever the Eevee’s kidnapper was, they knew how to unbuckle a saddlebag. The team of two’s exploration bag Lily held was on the ground, far away from her face.
* * *
A yawn arose from the penguin, stretching out his flippers before rubbing his eyes. He looked at the blue sky, its clouds bringing a cool temperature. Only thing to do was find the others. ‘They’re probably at the end, right?’ Palo told himself. Nothing to worry about, or so he hoped. ‘But what if they’re already gone and they forgot me?! Maybe I was the one that got lost!’

“Where are you?!” He shouted. Nothing. His heart thumped, breathing rushed, the Piplup ran for the end of the forest. ‘They wouldn’t leave me, right? Right?!’ Palo held back the tears in his fright. Flutters of wings flapped around noisily through the woods as he ran. “Lily! Yato!” A gust of wind burst right at the Pokemon who shielded himself with a flipper in return and as it settled down, Palo found himself in front of a flock of Spearow that stared at him menacingly from behind a much bigger bird Pokemon. Their evolution, Fearow.

"H-hi…" Palo said, waving a flipper nervously fast. His smile was obvious too as the Fearow looked down on him. "I-I was w-w-wondering iff y-you know where my f-riends are at! W-we g-got lost!" The Piplup didn't want to deal with this any longer. A moment of silence, Palo began to back away. Nice and slowly he crept back-


Lifted off the ground, Palo found himself in the clutches of the other bird… way, way high up… higher than the trees. "W-we can talk about this!" Palo shouted. "I'm sorry if I caused you trouble but please don't-"

Too late. The Fearow didn't care, letting go of the water type.

"AAAAHHH!" Watching himself fall into his demise, Palo shut his eyes tight.


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