Chapter 10

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A knocking came through the door. “This guy doesn’t know when to quit,” complained Markus. The persistence of the tapping didn’t stop. “Ugh.” The middle-aged man walked to the door, unlocking it to meet whoever was outside. “Would you keep it down?!” He yelled. The man found himself with a kid at his door. This youngster wore a long, yellow scarf around his neck. Grey, tweed flat cap firm on his head and notepad in hand, the boy stared at Markus intently. A gleam was in his eyes as he spoke. “Can I ask you-”

The wooden rectangle shut in front of the kid. “Ah well. Looks like I’ll need your help.” Reaching inside his messenger bag, the boy retracted his hand, Pokeball held. “You’re up, bud!” Throwing the red and white sphere at the door, a Rockruff appeared. “Let’s get this door open! Use Tackle!” the boy commanded, charging at the door first with a shoulder bash as the Rockruff followed up with its order.

“The joys I live for…” Markus commented sarcastically.

As the boy and his Pokemon continued to try and barge in, someone else came in. ‘What is it now?’ Jim wondered. From her countless efforts, the cop was going to attempt to get Markus on the case. Or at least that was the case until she saw this. “What are you doing here, kid?” asked Jim. She put a hand on the child’s shoulder, garnering his attention. “I’m trying to ask this man some questions!” The boy replied enthusiastically.

He brought out his notepad and pencil. “Can I ask you some questions, too?!” The Rockruff had stopped attacking the door, looking up at the officer in the same excitement the boy had. “No,” answered the officer. “Have you heard of what’s happening? It’s too dangerous for you to go out.”

“Well, I know that, but-”

“I know you’re worried, but let us handle it. We don’t want you to get into trouble.”

“I can be bait!”

“No. You’re going back to your parents.” Jim grabbed the boy’s hand, forcing him away from the door. “What’s your name?”

“I’m not telling!” The boy struggled to get out of her grasp. “Rockruff! Use Bite!” The boy used his other hand to go into his bag, getting two Pokeballs from it. Tossing the two out, the boy’s other two Pokemon came out; a Patrat and Glameow appeared behind as the Rockruff leapt for the woman. “Patrat, use Bite and Glameow, use Tackle!”

“I don’t recommend that,” Jim responded. The electric dog appeared beside the officer, holding the rock puppy by the scruff. ‘When was that here?!’ The boy couldn’t help but stare in shock as he was dragged out.

“I know it isn’t great, but come on! I just have some questions!”

Jim simply sighed. “And if you go missing too, that won’t help us. You don’t ‘just have some questions’.”

‘It was worth a try.’ “Please?! I can replace that guy! He isn’t doing anything anyway!”

“And we have people to replace him.”

Walking up to only the fence of Markus’ house, Jim decided to talk more, not caring about the kid putting his heel down to slow her. “I’ll let you investigate as long as you want if you can get him up,” she teased.

“I can do it! Let me!”

“I’m not going to let you. You’re coming with me to the station.”


Watching the two from his window, Markus looked on happily. Finally, some peace.

* * *

People ran left and right. Frantically, they zoomed in the police station. The boy sighed. After being told off and brought here, the cops’ stress and disorganization were ironic. Writing on his notepad disappointedly, the boy eavesdropped, ears keen for interesting things to note that wasn’t the panic in here.

At least he can compensate in some way. The boy released his Patrat from its Pokeball. “Go around and listen to what they say,” he whispered, putting something around the chipmunk-like Pokemon. It was a small microphone. The Patrat nodded, running off in the building.

Tapping on his notepad irritably, the boy watched the police work. To be honest, he couldn’t tell if this was better or worse than not being able to interrogate the man. Only one way to find out.

While the boy stayed sour, a shout piqued his interest. This could be something, but who was shouting?  Peeking over at the source, the boy was taken aback by who it was. The very man he tried to question was shouting angrily at the officer that echoed his frustration back. Looks like this was better. As he watched from afar, the boy saw Markus leave the building and as curiosity got the better of him, he followed sneakily.

* * *

“Finally,” said Markus. Relieved of getting held off, now the middle-aged man could do whatever he wanted without care. He was a lost cause and besides, who wanted to have a downer detective who wants to do nothing? It wouldn’t even be worth the time and effort to get him on his feet.

Chuckling, the man sat on a bench as he lit up a cigar. The victims were only children so he had nothing to worry about. Maybe that kid will be next. A smirk spread across Markus’ face as he relaxed outside. Peace and quiet outdoors. Nothing better than that.

“Hey, mister!” Nevermind. The same boy from earlier was on the bench. “Oh great,” Markus replied. “I’m not in the mood for questions you know. I got laid off because of you, brat.”

The child’s face unwavered from it. “It’s just some simple questions. Besides, no one smiles that fast after getting out of something.”

“Besides, I can bring you to the station. You’re not supposed to be here.”

“I can tell them you saved me. Then you’d be more involved with the lie I say.”

“Get out, kid. You don’t wanna be the next one anyway, do you?”

“Now what do you mean by that?” The boy wrote on his notepad. “That was suspicious.”

“Yeah, and I’m a Mankey’s uncle. Now, get out before I bring you to the police!”

The man stormed off, heading home as the boy went back to the station stealthily. Not a bad day for the investigation. Not at all for Ben, kid detective.

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