Chapter 6

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The dome. A very special place for Pokemon that wanted to join the Exploration Society, this large dome housed many exploration teams. The dome was the Exploration Society base and the most important part of becoming an Exploration Society member.

‘I can’t believe we made it!’ thought Palo. The round building was flooded with many Pokemon waiting right here in the middle of it. All entries to the other sections of the dome were closed off amongst the crowded main area. The two heroes have made it past but what was yet to come? Why were there so many Pokemon today? Wasn’t it hard to join?

It seemed that many of the other Pokemon were confused too as to why there were a lot of them here. Only one way to find out.
* * *
“I can’t believe it happened again,” a voice muttered. “I know, right?” a second followed. In the world, there were posters of missing people everywhere. People had begun disappearing suddenly, the latest person a girl.

“It’s been so long since they went away,” said someone. “It’s scary seeing reports of people vanishing all over,” another said.

Police were on high alert around cities. Stationed were their cars and motorbikes, the people’s Pokemon out, ranging from Arcanines, Stoutlands, Luxrays, Pelippers, and Houndooms. As they worked hard to figure out why this all was to come, someone carried on with their day. His name was Markus as the middle-aged adult arrived to work late. Compared to all the detectives and police officers that exhausted themselves in this case, Markus’ front showed that he didn’t care about this. Even his partner and Pokemon couldn’t motivate the man who slacked off throughout it all.

He didn’t blame that the person who worked with him had enough of it. In fact, when Markus entered the scene, his partner, Jim, had begun exiting the scene. “You’re late, sir,” the helper spoke sharply, storming off on her bike with a Manectric in the small seat beside.

The older man sighed as he walked over to one of the officers, receiving a slip of paper from them. “Jim had this for you,” she said. “You better get a move on if you don’t want to get laid off.”

“Was it that obvious from the start?” Markus replied sarcastically. The officer huffed before returning back to her shift. “Let’s just see what he got this time,” the man muttered to himself, heading towards a bench to sit down on.
* * *
The room had finally grown silent. Not a peep came out as it had gone empty. Palo couldn’t stop shaking in his nest, restless as he was tonight. They made it to the Exploration Society… somewhat. While they weren’t official members yet, the pair did just enough to have a spot in here. Even if they are only junior members, it did put a bit of worry on the Piplup.

“Lily?” he spoke from his straw bed. The sleeping Eevee didn’t respond to it. Today was a long day from what the Exploration Leader said. If it weren’t for them experimenting on a new system, Palo and Lily would have never made the cut. Still, all this excitement kept the Piplup from falling asleep as he looked up at the ceiling, awaiting for the next day.

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