chapter 1

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"Bonnie, what are you going to do for a date for Valentine's Day? I mean, you aren't planning to get back together with Brick, are you?"

Bonnie just sneered, resisting the urge to laugh.

"Please, that big oaf always comes begging back to me. I don't know if I could take that anymore, even with the gifts he showers on me. No, it's time to move on to bigger and better, and there are plenty of great catches around. I just have to pick the one I want! Not like any of them would turn down Bonnie Rockwaller!"

"Well, Josh did last year, didn't he?" Tara shrank back quickly when Bonnie glared at her.

Bonnie stared her down a moment longer, huffing slightly before turning back to open her locker. "That boy wasn't worth my time anyways. Besides, anyone who would choose Kim over me is obviously damaged in some way. No, I'll have the man I want. I've got a few days to pick and choose, so I'll just…"

A bouquet of roses fell out of her locker as she opened the door, and Bonnie managed to grab them as they fell into her. She stared wide-eyed at them, and heard Tara sidle up beside her, ooing quietly.

"Oh… wow… who are they from? They're beautiful!"

Bonnie fumbled with the flowers, searching around for a card. Instead, she found an envelope. Handing the roses to Tara for a moment, she opened it, pulling out the letter within. She read it over once, smiling, before she read it aloud for Tara.

"To my darling Bonnie. I wanted to find something that could compare to your beauty, but nothing I found could find came close. I hope these will do instead. From your secret admirer."

Tara actually squealed, and Bonnie pulled the roses back from her before she could crush them. "Ohh… who do you think it is? That was so romantic!"

Bonnie smiled lightly. "Yeah, it was. But how'd they get the flowers into my locker?"

Tara just shook her head. "You've got an amazing guy interested in you, and that's all you can think about?"

Bonnie looked over the roses in her arms again, deep in thought. "He might not be such a great guy. I mean… it could be anyone."

Tara sighed, taking the flowers and putting them back in Bonnie's locker. "Do you have to analyze everything based on position? I mean, he's a nice guy, obviously likes you, and gives you flowers. I wish I had someone like that!"

Bonnie just reached for her books and shut her locker. "I'm just saying, I know nothing about this guy, other than he can break into my locker. I don't think I should be getting excited right now. I mean, for all I know, it could be someone from the chess club or, God forbid, Stoppable."

"Oh, what's wrong with Ron? He's sweet and kind and brave and…"

Bonnie just groaned. She should have known not to bring up Ron. Tara still wasn't over her little crush on him, even if the boy hadn't noticed a thing. She just tried to block out the majority of what Tara was saying.

Bonnie had spent hours trying to figure out who it was, watching everyone out of the corner of her eye to see if they were looking at her any longer than normal, but she hadn't seen anything suspicious. Not even her sources could find out who was interested in her, and that really drew attention. High school didn't generally keep many secrets; everything tended to get noticed and commented on, and Bonnie had always kept her ear to the rumour mill, gathering everything she could potentially use for her own benefit. And yet, nothing!

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