chapter 15

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"…and their jaws just dropped, both of them."

Tara giggled at the image as Josh blushed and Ron shook his head slowly. "What I wouldn't have given to see that."

"Oh come on, it's not that big a deal." Ron wrapped his arm tighter around Bonnie, as they all sat in the cafeteria, 'enjoying' the latest Friday cuisine.

Bonnie smirked to the rest of the table. "Actually, I'd say all evidence suggests it was a 'BIG' deal." Bonnie squeezed Ron's butt quickly, causing him to yelp out loud.

Several drinks sputtered at that, and Kim was coughing as she tried to get her breath back and ask a question at the same time. "Wha… when… you two… how do you know…"

"Oh settle down, Ron and I haven't gotten that far… yet." She smiled at her boyfriend, whose brain looked like it had shut down already.

That settled Kim down a bit, who was cleaning up the mess on the table that she had made. "Good, good. Just… when you mentioned big…" Kim trailed off as she felt all the eyes on the table looking at her. "What?"

Bonnie was glaring particularly hard. "How would YOU know how big he is?"

That tone seemed to wake up Ron and he glanced around the table curiously. "Okay, what did I miss?"

Kim was blushing furiously, not seeing any support, only curiosity. "It's not like I planned it or anything. Ron and I just… switched bodies for a couple of days… accidentally."

Tara's eyes widened appreciably, and Josh just looked uncertain. Bonnie still had a sharp look on her face. "When was this?"

"Last year, long before you two became a couple." Kim's tone was defensive, but she didn't exactly like Bonnie's tone either.

Tara though didn't pay any attention to that, as she gripped Kim's hand tight. "Oh, you have to tell us, what was it like as a guy? I mean, I've always kinda wondered a bit, and you're probably the only woman who can say she's seen both sides of the fence."

Kim was still blushing brightly, but she could see everyone wanted to hear her opinion. "Umm… well… peeing standing up was… interesting."

Tara got a devilish smirk on her face as she leaned in. "So, you did get to handle the goods after all?"

Ron leapt to his feet quickly, pulling Bonnie up with him. "Allrighty then, look at the time. Man, these lunch periods are getting shorter and shorter, aren't they? We should…"

"Settle down." Bonnie pulled Ron back to his seat a bit reluctantly. "I'm not going to get mad… provided that's the LAST time that she handles your goods." Bonnie cast a withering glare at Kim, one that Kim returned equally.

That's when Monique finally showed up. She took one look around the table and sighed, sitting down. "Looks like I missed one hell of a convo. Girl, what did I tell you about spilling the good stuff before I got here?"

Monique's easy tone defused what could have become a tense situation between the two cheerleaders, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief as both Kim and Bonnie settled back to lean against their respective boyfriends.

Bonnie though was looking a little nervous as she looked at Monique, picking at her lunch. "So…"

Monique paused from taking a bite, looking up at the brunette. "Yes?"

Bonnie gave a sigh, rolling her eyes. "Come on, you know what this is about. I've purposely kept myself out of the rumour mill because I was too worried about what I would find. So spill already."

"You sure you want to know?"

Bonnie just groaned softly. "Yes, I want to know."

Monique smiled as she saw all the attention was on her. "All right then." Monique put down her fork and reached into her bag, pulling out what seemed to be a booklet. Flipping open to the first page, she took a deep breath and began. "Well, overall impression is positive. While twenty percent still believe there is some kind of blackmail/mind control sitch going on, even those are largely in favour of you two as a couple. In favour, we have the pops, skids, geeks, dweebs, smokers, Goths…"

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