chapter 30

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Everyone was shocked when Bonnie collided with Shego, throwing her to the ground, her fingers raking quickly against the larger woman. Kim gasped as one of Bonnie's fingernails left a shallow gash across Shego's cheek. "Oh Bonnie..."

Shego had had more than enough by that point. Despite the grip Bonnie had with one of her hands tangled in Shego's hair, the villainess was beyond upset. Planting both feet into Bonnie's stomach, she kicked out, launching the teen through the air to crash to the floor in front of Kim.

Shego picked herself up quickly, her hand swiftly moving up to the cut on her cheek. It was lightly bleeding, but Shego could see the blood when she pulled her hand away to look at it. "You little..."

Kim moved quickly to intersperse herself between the two women, her stance defensive. "Bonnie, are you all right?"

Bonnie groaned slightly as she held her stomach, rising to one knee. "I'll live."

Shego took a step close, her hands lit. "Not if I have anything to say about it."

Kim ignored Shego's comments, though she didn't take her eyes off her opponent. "Bonnie, that was the STUPIDEST thing I have ever seen. I know you know how dangerous Shego is."

Bonnie's eyes narrowed, but it wasn't Kim that the cheerleader was looking at. "She took Ron."

Kim paused, hearing the vehemence in her words and knew she'd have to do something to distract her. "Granted, but she isn't the one in charge. Drakken gives the orders."

Drakken visibly paled when Bonnie's eyes locked onto him, and he backed up a step. "Uhh... in all fairness, it was Shego's idea."

Bonnie rose to her feet, now standing beside Kim. "So what do I do?"

Kim had a very evil thought at that moment, considering that they had kidnapped Ron. "Just pretend that he's your father."

That seemed to make all the difference, as Bonnie's eyes went hard and cold, and she began stalking towards the terrified mad scientist. Drakken was backing up as well now, his hands in front of him, trying to keep as much distance between him and her as he could. "Now, now... maybe we could talk this out?"

Bonnie's hands curled into fists, her smile cruel and dark. "No."

"Oh... well then... SHEGO!" With that terrified scream, Drakken bolted from the room, a very angry and determined Bonnie right on his heels.

Shego watched the retreating figures with some amusement, despite the animosity she felt for the brunette at that moment. "THAT is the buffoon's girlfriend?" Shego whistled sharply with a grin. "That boy is just a glutton for punishment, isn't he?"

Kim smirked, glad that Bonnie wasn't here at the moment. "Actually, when she's with Ron, she's almost sweet and demure."

Shego glanced back where Bonnie had disappeared. "THAT hellcat can actually do sweet? Maybe after I beat you I'll throw the two of them into a cell together long enough to see that."

Kim smirked in response, stepping forward. "Or maybe they can visit you in cell block D after we lock you up again."

Shego growled, launching herself forward quickly, swiping at Kim with her claws. Kim managed to duck under that, trying to return with a kick but found her strike blocked. Kim leapt back, putting a bit of space between her and the villainess, maintaining control of the pace of the fight.

It wasn't easy, as Shego, directing the rage she had felt towards Bonnie at Kim, continued to press. Kim backed up against the wall then ducked through one of the holes in the architecture. It provided great cover, and allowed Kim to attack as well.

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