chapter 25

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"So Tara, any luck finding your secret admirer?" Bonnie smirked as she saw the look of agitation on her friend's face.

"No, and it's driving me crazy." Tara crossed her arms in front of her, pouting. "Why did I ever think a secret admirer was romantic?"

Bonnie's smirk got wider and wider. "Hey, you're the one who wished YOU had one as well."

Tara glared at her friend briefly before letting out a sigh. "All right, all right, so I got what I wished for. I just wish I had some clue who it was." The pair walked out into the parking lot, glad that the day was over. Of course, that just meant they got to play with Ron's new toy.

Bonnie smiled as her friend, just a moment before completely frustrated and distracted, saw the motorcycle and smiled brightly. Ron, Kim, and Josh were already there, the latter two with their arms around each other.

Ron, seeing his girlfriend, jogged over quickly and the pair shared a kiss. "Hey Bonnie."

"Hey Ron, I…"

"Ron, can you give me a ride on your motorcycle?" Tara was positively brimming with energy, almost hopping in place.

Ron and Bonnie took one look at her and started to laugh. "Sure Tara, just…" Tara had already dashed to the bike, putting on her helmet quickly long before Ron had finished what he was trying to say. The two laughed again as Tara threw herself on the bike, looking at Ron expectantly. "Guess I better get going then, huh?"

Bonnie kissed Ron again, stretching it out to aggravate her friend a bit. "Have fun."

Ron threw on his helmet and straddled the bike. Tara wrapped her arms around him, clinging tightly, as Ron revved the engine, and then the pair were quickly away for their ride.

Monique got to their side just as Ron and Tara rounded the corner down the street. "Ron's giving out rides on his new toy?"

Bonnie turned to glare at Monique, her eyes harsh. "I don't think you riding anything with Ron is going to happen."

Monique let out an exasperated sigh. "Look, I'm sorry, I got carried away. I would have said that to Danny Devito if he flashed me a double platinum."
Bonnie glared a few moments longer before finally letting up. "Fine, but I see any unnecessary grabbing of my boyfriend, and even Kim won't be able to pull me off you, doesn't matter how much you helped us."

Kim was about to step between the two squabbling teens when her Kimmunicator went off. "What's the sitch Wade?"

"Drakken and Shego are at it again Kim. Looks like they're robbing a jewelry store this time."

Kim blinked, trying to comprehend that. "Okay, I can see Shego going for jewels, but Drakken?"

Wade grinned and shrugged. "Maybe Drakken's got some cash flow problems." Wade resumed typing rapidly. "Anyways, they're still there, and they're in the area. You should be able to get to them before they escape."

Kim nodded, checking over her equipment. "All right, we'll go as soon as Ron gets back. We can take his new ride. Where are we going anyways?"

"Jimmy Ding, the Bling Bling King's place."

Kim paused, glancing back at the Kimmunicator with an amused expression. "I can't believe you said that with a straight face."

Wade grinned in return. "I'm can't believe I did either. Anyways, better hurry."

"Thanks Wade." Kim put the Kimmunicator away, looking around. "Now, if Ron could just get here…"

The motorcycle quickly tore around the corner, surprising them. What was even more surprising was that it wasn't Ron driving anymore but Tara. She ripped around the corner at about sixty miles an hour, popped the curb, then took a jump off a small hill that was nearby. She landed deftly, then turned to return to the others, skidding to a stop not more than a foot away from Bonnie, who jumped back in surprise.

Valentine's surpriseHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin