chapter 33

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Ron raised his arms in triumph as he pushed through the doors of the school into the warm June air. He took a deep breath, letting it out slowly. "Ahh, freedom never tasted so good."

Kim stepped around him, shaking her head. "Settle down Ron, it's just the last day of school."

"Yes it is." Ron stepped out of the path of rampaging students, putting his arm around Bonnie's shoulders and leading her away and off to the side. "That means no more assignments, no more tests, a whole summer with my badical girlfriend, and best of all... no more Barkin." He leaned over and gave Bonnie a kiss filled with joy.

"I saw that Stoppable. You are still on school grounds." Ron jerked as he heard the stern teacher from behind him. "Don't think I'm going to forget, that's detention for you when you get back in September."

Ron groaned, this time leading his girlfriend to the sidewalk so that they could indulge themselves with no further penalty. "What do you think the odds are that he'll have forgotten that in a few months?"

"Not likely." Bonnie snuggled under his arm. "But at least he didn't give me detention."

Ron's eyes widened slightly as he looked back at the school. "Hey, you're right. That's not fair."

Bonnie gave Ron the eye, silencing him. "So you'd like me to get detention?"

"Uhh..." Ron backpedaled quickly, trying to think of what to say. "Only... in the sense that... you know... we'd get to spend that time together?"

Bonnie continued giving him the look but let up after a few moments. "Okay, that was good enough." Bonnie glanced at Kim, standing beside them. "So, Bueno Nacho to celebrate the end of the school year? I think Tara said she and Kevin would meet us there."

Kim nodded. "Yeah, she said they'd meet us there at twelve, after their last exams let out."

"Coolio." Ron rubbed his hands together in anticipation. "So KP, want to ride with me to Bueno Nacho while Bonnie drives over?"

Kim glanced over at Bonnie with a questioning look that Bonnie understood instantly. "Sorry Ron, I think I'm going to ride over with Bonnie. You know, do a little girl talk."

Ron shuddered, even as he put his helmet on. "You know, I think you all say girl talk just to freak me out."

Bonnie smirked at Kim, who returned the look. "Nooo... why would we do that?"

Ron shook his head and started up his motorcycle. "All right ladies, see you at Bueno Nacho."

Ron pulled away from the curb and took off down the street. Kim watched him for a second and then headed over to Bonnie's car, hopping in the passenger seat. "Thanks for this Bonnie."

"Sure, sure." Bonnie started the car up, backing out of the parking space and putting it into drive. "So, what do you want to talk about? The Josh sitch again?"

"Yeah, sorry about it. It's just... Ron is pretty mad at Josh right now, even though I told him it's no ones fault. That's why I prefer talking to you about it." Kim sighed, resting her head on her hand as she braced her elbow against the window. "I wish things could have gone better but I do understand what the problem is, especially after he told me about his father. The problem now is, even though he said he wanted to stay friends, he's been avoiding me."

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