chapter 2 foreign

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Andrias grabs sprig and holds him outside the window of the castle. "Please don't he's my best friend in this world or any other world." Anne pleads with andrias to put him down. "That's the thing about friends, the more you love em, the more it hurts when they go, allow me to demonstrate." Andrias drops sprig from the castle window. "Sprig, NOOOOOO."

"OOOOOO" Anne wakes up in her apartment gasping for breath. "Calm down Anne, calm down, it was just a nightmare, sprig is ok." Anne gets ready to leave to see doctor Jan and Terri.
She stops at the Cafe across the street to grab some breakfast before heading out.  After ordering her coffee and egg sandwich, she makes her way over to Terri's.

At the laboratory

"So what your saying is that anne somehow got her powers back by having so much energy. Am I correct?" Terri asked Sasha while taking notes. "That's the short version but yeah, that's what happened." Sasha explained to Terri. "Ok so seems that when the stones got destroyed, a small portion of its power still remained in Anne, but I can't come up with a detailed hypothesis until we can scan anne for the energy"

Meanwhile marcy was messing with one of Terri's helping robots. She then got a text from anne saying that she's on her way.

Short little timeskip

Anne arrives at the laboratory stuffing the last piece of her egg sandwich into her mouth. "Hey everyone sorry I'm late, early morning traffic is a nightmare." Anne said while sipping on her coffee. "It's all good." Terri replied. "So any ideas on what might have happened to me?" "Well we think that some of the power from the calamity stones are still inside you somehow. I can make a proper hypothesis if we can scan your body and see if we can find any foreign energy in there." Terri explained.

"Ow you bit me" marcy grabbed her finger while the robot was making laughing sounds. "Hey no biting, get back to sorting those chemicals." Terri yelled at the robot and it immediately got back to work. "Band-Aids are in the cabinet marcy, now let's get to scanning."

Anne got behind the scanning machine and began the scanning process. After the scanning was complete, they had a full x-ray of Anne's body and were able to see the energy in her body. "Hmmm, I found the foreign energy but it doesn't seem to be from the calamity stones, it seems to be coming from something else. Something that was able to trigger your powers again." Terri explained after examining the foreign energy.

"So what does this mean?" Sasha asked concerned. "I don't know, I need a little more time to study it, give me at least a day and I should have some results." Terri said uploading the x-ray image to her computer for further study.

Doctor Jan then ran into the room out of breath, "you guys, you need to see this, it could be the answer to what's happening with anne." Dr. Jan pulled out her tablet and began playing footage from a security camera in Germany.

The footage showed a man with a helmet with large horns attacking a city street. The weapon he had was a scepter what was choosing bluish orbs of energy. The blue orb in the edge was the same color as the energy in Anne's body.

Terri did a scan of the of the video. It was infact the same energy that anne has.

"So, this guy is the reason my powers were triggered? Then we need to find him and get him to reverse whatever he did." Anne protested. "Slow down there anne, it's not that easy, you would need to get past dozens of government guarded lines. If we get caught, then it's game over for us." Dr Jan explains to anne, but anne was phased. "Well that's a risk I'm willing to take." Anne said more confident than ever. They begin packing the things that can help them on their mission.

Somewhere near the laboratory

"Sir, we've located the people responsible, permission to detain?" The agent radioed to the director. "You have my permission to detain them. Once detained, bring em to the helicarrior, they could be helpful assets to the team." The director told the agent over radio. "Yes sir, over and out. Alright everybody move in."

End of chapter 2

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