The return of Te Fiti

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The couple sail across the great ocean once more, the wind aiding them as they travel at a greater speed. The sun was rising in the horizen, Kai and (Y/N) both fully awake as they look ahead.

He squints against the light for a moment, angling the oar so the boat steers to the right. 


(Y/N) looks around as the sky begins to darken.

[Kai]: Te Ka can't follow us into the water..-Kai says as he rises, fixing his half-up ponytail- We just have to make it past the barrier it stays on..-(Y/N) nods, taking in a deep breath as she undoes the ropes-

Kai picks up Hei Hei, setting him in the basket in the under compartment.

[Kai]: None of which he understands. Because he is a chicken..

He exhales heavily, grabbing the rope and looking ahead as Te Ka rises, roaring as it grips the barriers. (Y/N) and Kai look up at it with narrowed eyes, Te Ka roaring as it raises its hand.

[Kai]: Brace!..-Kai shouts, (Y/N) nodding and holding the mast as he rushes forward and leaps onto the front of the boat. It quickly rotates out of Te Ka's path, Kai grunting as the boat tilts-

(Y/N) and him race to the side, each grabbing a rope and balancing on the side while pulling the rope. Te Ka swings its hand down, smacking the water with a screech of pain. Kai smirks at the demon, the two jumping back onto the boat as it steadies once more. 

Te Ka looks at its hand with a glare, fire enveloping and healing it before it chases after them on the barrier. Kai looks back at Te Ka, (Y/N) looking around before gasping with a point.

Te Ka hurls a fireball, striking the water and causing the boat to glide over a wave. Smoke envelopes the area, Te Ka snarling as it looks down where the boat was. It squints, mistaking a sharp rock for the sail before it notices the boat sailing the other way.

Kai looks back with a grin and narrowed eyes. Te Ka gasps in surprise, roaring as it tries to quickly follow. (Y/N) quickly opens the sail fully, Kai pulling the rope back to steady it as the boat sails at great speed. Te Ka forms another fireball, Kai grunting as he turns the boat into the narrow opening. Te Ka roars and throws the fireball, striking the mountain above them.

(Y/N) gasps, making him look up with wide eyes as he tries to steer out of the way. He jerks and falls onto his hands, the heart popping out of his necklace.

[Y/N]: No!..-(Y/N) rushes after it, staggering and nearly falling off as she reaches for it, when Hei Hei suddenly grabs it-  

[Kai]: Hei Hei!..-Kai gasps, pushing himself up-

[Y/N]: Hei Hei..-He waddles over to her, plopping the heart in her hand as she sighs in relief- Nicely done!..-She laughs, handing it to Kai-

He grins and nods in thanks, quickly putting it safely back in his necklace before focusing ahead as he tugs the rope. A large boulder falls in front of them, causing the boat to sail through a wave. They made it through the barrier, Kai laughing in slight disbelief and (Y/N) cheering.

[Y/N]: Almost there!..-(Y/N) shouts over the sound of the waves- 

Her eyes widen as Te Ka screeches, bursting from the barrier. A large wave jerks the boat forward, the two flying from the ship and into the water. Kai quickly looks around, swimming down to (Y/N) and holding her arm as they swim back to the surface. Kai climbs onto the side, pulling (Y/N) up and grabbing the two ropes. 

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