The realm of monsters

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The two land in water, holding their breath and still holding each other's hand as they start to be pulled down after Maui. Maui bursts out of the water, grabbing a vine and swinging himself up and over once before landing on the floor.

[Maui]: And he sticks the landing!..-Maui grins, boasting- Huh?..-He holds his finger up to his mini self, the mini Maui moving the scoreboard to the front before marking Kai and (Y/N)'s side with another 1- What? Dum-dum, they're not even here. No mortals would jump into the realm of monsters, and he probably wouldn't risk her getting--

The mini Maui points up, Maui looking up and grunting as Kai and (Y/N) land on him.

[Kai]: Woah!...-Kai yelps, losing him grip on (Y/N) and bouncing away.

He lands on a few ledges, Maui looking him and (Y/N) gasping.

[Maui]: Well. He's dead..-Maui shrugs, (Y/N) snapping his head to look at him in anger- Okay. Let's get my hook...

Maui grabs (Y/N) and puts her over his shoulder as she gasps. Maui walks away from the place.

[Y/N]: Maui! We have to help Kai! ..-She tells him with a frown.

[Maui]: No, he's already dead. Besides, I have to take care of you...- He says, (Y/N) looks at him confused- What?... I can't let the daughter of the king of Atlántica die...


[Kai]: Maui's fish hook!..

[Maui]: Yeah!..-A voice says, making Kai instantly react and swing his fist. It collides with Maui's jaw, making him gasp and (Y/N) burst into laughter-

[Kai]: Sorry! I thought you were a monster... But I found your hook...-Kai apologizes, Maui grabbing his head once more and gently moving him away from him. He also places (Y/N) on the ground-

[Y/N]: And, you're right, this Tamatoa guy really likes his treasure..-(Y/N) says, looking towards the cave-

[Maui]: Stay..-Maui simply says, turning away from them as their faces fall- 

[Kai]: What? No...

[Maui]: Listen..-Maui interrupts, turning back to the two- For a thousand years I've only been thinking of keeping this hair silky, getting my hook, and being awesome again...

[Y/N]: Haven't really managed to do any of that have ya?..-Maui deadpanning as he looks at her and continues-

[Maui]: And it's not getting screwed up by a mortal.. and a little mermaid..-He ties up his hair in a bun- Who have no business in this cave of monsters except...-Maui trails off when he notices a glittering shell, an idea forming in his mind- Except... Maybe as bait...

[Y/N and Kai]:... What?..


[Kai]: Wow..-Kai boredly calls, banging on a drum- The shiny, glittery cave...Just like us!..

[Y/N]: Sparkle, sparkle, sparkle...-(Y/N) looks around as she yells in a monotone, adjusting the shiny shell on her head. Kai bangs the drum with each word, shaking his head-

[Kai]: This is ridiculous...

[Maui]: You're not selling it!..-Maui whisper shouts to the two from cover-

[Kai]: This is stupid!..-Kai whispers back harshly, looking up at the fish hook- We could just go up and get it!..

[Maui]: Either of you go up there, he will kill you..-Maui disagrees- Just stick to the plan!..-Kai bangs the drum boredly once more, Maui nodding with a thumbs up- Good. Oh, when he shows up, keep him distracted..-He pauses, thinking for a moment- Make him talk about himself. He loves bragging about how great he is...

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