The Kakamora

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Kai slams against the boulder furiously, shaking his head before gasping as he turns around.

[Kai]: Let me out! You lying, slimy son of a...


[Maui]: "You're welcome!"...-Maui hums to himself, dancing and skipping happily as he walks towards the boat. He picks up the oar, dusting it off. 

He cartwheels, turning to the cave and waving 'bye' with a smirk before pausing as his tattoo stops him. He angrily gestures to the cave, Maui raising a brow.

[Maui]: No. I'm not going to Te Fiti with a couple of kids. I'm going to get my hook..-Maui shoves his finger to his mini self- you have yours and I'm not Maui without mine...-Maui walks rolls his eyes, the mini version of himself tugging on his tattoos- Talk to the back...

He flicks him away, the mini Maui landing on the other side. He slumps, gasping quietly when he sees (Y/N).

[Y/N]: Where's Kai? ..-She asks with a frown, Maui sighing heavily in mild annoyance-


Kai yells as he slams against the boulder, only moving it slightly.

[Kai]: Ow!..-He groans, rubbing his shoulder before growling in anger- 

Kai looks back, rushing to the back of the cave. His face drops and his face scrunches up in horror at the sight of a self-made Maui sculpture. He shakes his head, rushing forward and stopping when he sees sunlight. 

Kai places himself between the head and the wall, using his legs to to push the statue over with grunts of effort. He swiftly rises as the statue starts falling, leaping up into the small opening above and catching himself. 

He presses his back against one side, his feet pressed against the other as the statue fully collapses. Kai looks down at it for a moment before sighing, nodding as he climbs out.


[Maui]: Good riddance, you filthy pile of pebbles!..-(Y/N) throws water at his face, looking at him with a frown- Oh, no, no, no. Don't look at me like that... It's a beautiful cave. He's gonna love it..

He sets Hei Hei down, smirking.

[Maui]: And I'm going to love you in my belly!..-Maui gestures to his stomach, setting down feed for Hei Hei- Now, let's fatten you up, drumstick...

Hei Hei looks at the pile of food, leaning down and pecking next to it. Maui stares at the rooster in bewilderment, slowly sliding his head to the feed.

[Y/N]: I'm not going to let you eat it!..

[Maui]: Come on, (Y/N). If I don't eat something, I'm going to die. You can live eating... I'm not going to say it...

Kai emerges from the top of the cave, panting lightly as he scrambles to his feet. He looks around, gasping when he sees the boat sailing away. He starts running, yelling as he leaps off the rock.

Maui turns, watching as Kai falls into the ocean. He slowly turns, resting his chin in his palm with an amused smile as Kai bursts from the water. 

[Maui]: I could watch that all day..-He leans back, shrugging- Okay! Enjoy the island. Maui out! ..

[Kai]: Hey! You have to put back the heart!..

Know Who You Are (Male Moana x Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя