The Hook

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[Kai]: We did it!..-Kai shouts with laughter-

[Maui]: Congratulations on not being dead. You surprise me..-Maui admits, pulling the darts from the boat- But I'm still not taking that thing back..-Kai's smile and (Y/N) fall, Maui tossing the darts into the ocean before rising- You wanna gat to Te Fiti you gotta go through a whole ocean of bad..-He explains, brushing past the two as the boat rocks- Not to mention Te Ka...

He points to his back. 

[Maui]: Lava monster?..-Maui scoffs, turns to the two- Ever defeat a lava monster?...

[Y/N]: No...-She said, Kai raising a brow and folding his arms-

[Kai]: Have you?...

Maui grumbles, turning around with a frown. Maui bitterly laughs as she turns to the two of them.

[Maui]: I'm not going on a suicide mission with a couple of mortals...-He moves Hei Hei from the lower compartment, Kai's face falling one more to a frown- You two can't restore the heart without me..-Maui continues, raising a coconut before placing it back inside- And me says no...

He takes a banana from the storage.

[Maui]: I'm getting my hook...-He walks past Kai, dropping down and holding the oar- End of discussion...

Kai groans in frustration, rubbing his neck before pausing. (Y/N) looked at him as he stares at Maui's tattoo. The two look at each other with a smile, Maui looking up as Kai clears his throat.

[Kai]: You'd be hero..-He said, leaning against the mast with folded arms.

[Y/N]: That is what you're all about, right?..

[Maui]: Little children..-Maui scoffs, rolling his eyes- I am a hero...

[Kai]: Well...-Kai drag his words, Maui's brows furrowing- Maybe you were. But now... now you're just the guy who stole the heart of Te fiti..-Kai tsks, shaking his head- The guy who cursed the world... You're no one's hero...

[Maui]: No one's?.. 

He looks back, shaking his head with a slightly amused and disappointed frown. Maui's face falls, his gaze shifting to Hei Hei's. Hei Hei clucks and tilts his head before Maui looks at the ocean, the ocean also shaking its head. He looks at (Y/N), who tilts her head. His expression falls more as Kai turns to face him.

[Kai]: But, put this back..-He shows the heart before concealing it once more- Save the world... You'd be everyone's hero...

His mini self pretends to have the heart, racing along Maui's chest and placing the heart back as people cheer.

[Kai]: Maui! Maui! Maui!..-Kai whispers, trying to encourage the man further- Oh. You're amazing!...-Maui seeming to agree with the idea before shaking his head with a frown- 

[Maui]: We'd never make it without my hook. Not past Te Ka..

[Y/N]: Then we get your hook...

[Kai]: We'll get your hook, take out Te Ka, restore the heart...-Kai holds out his hand to Maui, faltering- Unless you don't wanna be... Maui, demigod of the wind and sea... Hero to... All?..-Maui slowly turns-

His mini self holds his hand out, waving it to agree to a hand shake as Maui sighs heavily. 

[Maui]: First, we get my hook..-He firmly says, Kai nodding- 

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