Mysterious figure

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Pua pushes a bowl under a water leak, the ground had small pools of water. 

[...]: ...And every storm, this roof leaks! No matter how many fronds I add..-the man sighs, while Tui and Sinna listen carefully-

[Kai]: Fixed!..-Kai says from above, causing the group to look up- Not the fronds..-Kai said, swinging himself down lower before landing on the floor- Wind shifted the post..-Kai explains, Tui looks at him with a smile as he tilts his head to the side-

[...]: Ah..-The man nods, looking up at his roof as Kai takes one of the pork pieces from the bowl he was holding-

[Kai]: Mmm! That's good pork!..-He said with a smile, but Kai gasped and looking down at his friend with wide eyes as Pua pouts and looks up at him- Oh! I didn't mean...I wasn't..-Kai nervously stammers, clearing his throat- What? They're calling me, so I gotta...bye!..

Kai left the place, while taking a deep breath. The rain wet his black hair as he started walking aimlessly. A while ago, that feeling of search returned again.

Elsewhere, (Y/N) was swimming towards Motunui Island with a smile on her face as her two friends followed her behind.

[??]: Waiting! (Y/N) slower..-Said his friend with gasping for exhaustion- Hey!..

[?? 2]: This girl doesn't listen to anyone, she looks like her mother when she was young..-Said the other friend, looking at (Y/N) with a frown- her father told him not to approaching the surface..

[Y/N]: That rule is very silly, my father was just like me..-She says, stopping and turning to look at her two friends- My parents sent them to watch me..

[?? 2]: You know that your father wants to protect you..He does not want to lose you..-He said, making (Y/N) look down sadly as he let out a breath- He wants to protect the only family he has left..


[Villager]: Ow, ow, ow!..-A man shrieks, while around there were multiple men getting tattoos-

[Kai]: You're doing great..-Kai tries to soothe, patting his shoulder lightly as the man slams his fist on the ground in pain-

[Villager]: Is it done yet?..-The man asked. Kai takes a peek, seeing only a small diamond on his back as the man continues to work, the other screaming in pain-

[Kai]: So close..-He says with a nervous smile, Kai clears his throat, shaking his head before jumping as the man lets out another shriek of pain-


[Kai]: And how are they going?..-He asked a beautiful girl with light hair, he approached her while she dancing, the little girls smile as they follow her steps to the beating of the drums-

[??]: Well..-She said with a smile. Kai also smiled until his eyes trail over to another little boy dancing extravagantly, waving his arms before folding them in and out while moving his legs to the beat-

The little boy poses for a second, sending a wink with puckered lips at the girl, Kai bites his lip to keep himself from laughing.


[Villager]: I'm curious about that chicken eating the rock..-An elder speaks, pointing to Hei Hei, who pecked a rock from the ground- He seems to lack the basic intelligence required for pretty much everything..-the elder continues, Pua looking between Hei Hei and the man. The elder sighs, continuing to cook on the coals- Should we maybe just cook him?..-He questions, smoke puffing up-

Know Who You Are (Male Moana x Reader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat