22 - Rooftop: The beginning

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As I entered the classroom the following day, everything appeared to be as usual. However, once I entered the room and seated myself, I noticed five gazes that kept roaming towards and away from me.

Nonetheless, there was no reciprocation of their gazes from me, and I instead simply stared out the window, savoring the sensation of the winter.

From that moment onwards, the glances of the five rapidly lessened, and thus class passed quickly.

Shortly after class had ended, the classroom door swung wide open; a storm struck Class D. Once everyone had turned their attention towards the classroom door, a smirking Ryueen strode inside.

For the second time, Ryueen visited our classroom, this time, however, he was accompanied by two of his classmates: Ishizaki and Albert from Class C.

Sudo: What's going on here? This is the classroom of Class D.

Although Sudo is known for losing his composure quickly, he appeared to be more on the defensive this time around.

Hirata: Is there something you need this time, Ryueen?

While remaining friendly, Hirata hurried to put himself between Ryueen and the rest of the Class D.

Horikita: Not this again....

Horikita muttered under her breath so that no one was able to hear what she was saying.

Ryueen: Is there a reason why I can't visit my classmates? That does exist at this school, doesn't it? Visiting a pal. Why're you all shaking?

The statement Ryueen had just made, might have sounded like a cheap provocation, but by watching the students in the classroom, it was easy to tell that they were shivering from fear.

None of them dared to utter a mere word towards Ryueen, all of them instead attempted to whisper to each other beneath their breaths.

Abruptly, Itsuki, who was sitting behind me, rose from her chair and addressed Ryueen in a rather stern tone.

Itsuki: This happens, but the last time you visited, it seemed like you were trying to pick a fight.

Ryueen: Itsuki, the bold woman, was that?

On one hand was Itsuki, who carried a serious expression, on the other hand was Ryueen, who was amusing himself quite a bit while intimidating most of the students.

Itsuki: Can you tell us why you are actually here?

Ryueen: Kuku, I guess I can do that.

The mood in the room quickly dimmed and Ryueen's expression became somewhat serious despite his faint smirk.

Ryueen: I'm warning you, class D.

Yotsuba: Warning?

Hirata: What do you mean by that?

Ryueen: I have no intention of explaining things to an idiot. Or maybe you're just pretending not to understand?

Once those words left his mouth, he didn't glance at Hirata or Yotsuba, but was busy scanning the entire classroom. Eventually, his gaze landed on a rather unexpected person.

The person in question didn't even notice Ryueen staring at him -- or rather, didn't seem to care. In fact, he rose himself and casually left the classroom.

With no further comment, Ryueen just chuckled quietly and followed the seemingly unaffected Koenji.

Ichika: He's going to do something to Koenji....

The quintuplets were talking quietly with each other behind me, and at the same time Horikita unexpectedly started a conversation with me.

Horikita: This is really bad, isn't it?

Classroom of the Elite: QuintupletsWhere stories live. Discover now