32 - Five Itsuki's

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The fourth day

Kaiya POV

"Kaiya, did you miss me?" Hashimoto wryly asked as I arrived at the designated location.

"You know I did not," I replied coldly, not fazing a face muscle.

He knew exactly why we met up, but he still decided to make such an absurd comment.

"That's harsh," he remarked, acting hurt by my comment, and then proceeded, "This is what? The second time we've met up?"

As a matter of fact, it was the second time we were meeting. The first time had been in the very same location.

After having asked Kushida for his number, I had sent him an anonymous message to meet me here since there were no cameras.

"Yes, but that doesn't signify that I missed you," I clarified, using a cold tone, that demonstrated that I had no interest in flirting with him.

The reason for wanting to meet him was quite simple: Upon encountering him with Kushida while she was escorting me around, he reacted with skepticism when Sakayanagi mentioned Ayanokoji's name.

"I suppose that's true. So, what did he say?"

By 'he' Hashimoto referred to Nagumo. That's correct, after discussing the subject named Ayanokoji, he supplied me with tons of information.

Information on what happened before I arrived and who the student council president is.

The moment Hashimoto mentioned that Nagumo was obsessed with the former student council president Horikita Manabu and that not only Sakayanagi but also Manabu was very interested in Ayanokoji-kun, it was easy to put together.

"First off, did you do as you promised?" I asked since this was the utmost important thing.

"Contacting everyone willing to participate in this deal? I certainly did," he assured me with a smirk creeping up his face.

As I conversed with him the first time, I quickly realized that he was not a lackey of Sakayanagi like Kamuro.

He was different, willing to betray Sakayanagi for his own personal advantage.

Thus, I have asked him for a deal, asking him to contact every student that isn't Sakayanagi's lackey if they are willing to vote for Yamauchi instead of Ayanokoji-kun for a certain amount of private points.

"That's good. How much are we talking about per student? 150,000 private points?" I asked since I tend to forget some things easily.

"I told you, nothing under 200,000 private points per student, and we want them in the evening the day before. Otherwise, we won't risk going against Sakayanagi," his smile slowly faded, and a frightening aura erupted.

"You're truly a cautious person," remarked I. This time, it was me wearing a smile instead of him.

"If the conditions aren't met, we will use our praise votes on Ayanokoji-kun," he threatened me.

"So you're really doing this only for your curiosity?" I queried in an attempt to perhaps lower his conditions.

"No, I believe getting rid of Ayanokoji is certainly advantageous for us in the future. That's why I am cooperating, but not willing to go through if my earlier mentioned conditions aren't met."

In a moment of silence, during which we exchanged piercing gazes, I contemplated his conditions.

There was no changing his mind, and if I were to dismiss his condition, I would risk losing the deal, which I do not intend to do.

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