11 - Conflicted Feelings

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Yotsuba POV

'I hate you.'

After class was dismissed, I rapidly paced to my dorm room without my sisters. For someone like me this was very unusual since I either patiently wait for my sisters or wait for my other friends and then walk back to the dorm. But most of the time I spent my precious time outside of my room but today was different than any other day.

For the first time since in a long time, we sisters had an big argument. I wasn't directly involved in this but it also affected me.

Not only did I have family issues but also emotional issues.

When I arrived at my room I unlocked my door with my keycard and threw my jacket and backpack onto my clean bed and switched into some more comfortable cloths. While school uniforms are alright, I prefer to wear other cloths in my free time even if other people say it looks weird. I left my uniform on my bed as well.

I was a very messy person but my sisters taught me that I should try to be tidy. My sisters are the most precious thing to me, if I were ever to lose them, I wouldn't know what to do.

As you might have already guessed, everything started when they transferred schools with me. Of course before that they were precious to me as well but that was the breaking point for me.

I was being selfish, I tossed my sisters to the side and always wanted to be 'the special one', the one who would stand out the most. If a sister would receive a higher grade, I was getting jealous and our mother wasn't alive to guide me down the right path. I couldn't forgive myself, I was a horrible human being. They may have forgiven me but I was never able to forgive myself.

From this point on forward I made up my mind and told myself that I would try to do everything in my power to prevent them from being unhappy or sad.

I was aware of how unrealistic this was since everyone would be happy and unhappy in life, it was inevitable but I promised myself I'd make them happy.

Thus I neglected myself more and more, so that I shifted my attention only to them. It didn't matter if I was unhappy as long as they were happy. For me, it was only natural that my sisters would be happier than me and I was fine with it.

While trying to keep them happy, I had one other goal in mind and that is to not drag my sisters down any further. That meant to study hard.

My first motivation to study was a boy that I met a long time ago in Kyoto at the train station. At that time he had blonde hair and golden eyes and we quintuplets all looked the same.

It was per accident that I met him in Kyoto. While travelling with my sisters, I as usual got lost and while searching for them I met him.

Instead of panicking, I stayed perfectly calm and scanned my surroundings. That's when I spotted the boy named Uesugi Futaro.

With a camera in his hands, he was in the midst of getting in trouble when I decided to lend him a hand.

There was a woman accusing him of taking a photo of her, while he was heavily denying the accusation, a policeman closed in and the woman then tried to convince the policeman that the boy had taken a picture of her.

Luckily I witnessed the whole thing and protected him from getting into trouble.

Yotsuba: He didn't do anything!

All three of them were staring at me with question marks above their heads. The boy, who until now had a worried expression since he probably thought he'd get into trouble, was showing signs of relief.

When the woman sighted me, she had an frustrated look but ultimately gave up and angrily walked away and the policeman took his leave as well.

Futaro: Why'd you do that?

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