"We can continue tomorrow." he shrugs.

Well, not a bad idea for me. I always end up exhausted after spending my mana, so having a day off sounds great. Plus, we are spending time with this little cute thing, so even better. I lift the puppy over my head from his armpits with both of my hands and smite at him. He does not seem scared. In fact, he is wiggling even more his tail and sticking out his tongue. So cute.

"Shall we go to the vet, then?" I ask the fennett with a soft voice and a gentle smile.

He barks happily at me in return, as if he understood what I just asked him.

_ _ _

I never knew that there is a vet in the district next to the mall. Although it would be common to have one there, given that many students own one or more pets. The area looks more spacious compared to the mall, and way more peaceful, with plentiful space to take a walk. The supermarket is also nearby, where I sometimes buy many things from there. Though most of them are food. As we walk towards our destiny, I carry the fennett with both of my arms as if he were a little baby. Well, he is a puppy, after all. The fennett does not stop wiggling between my arms, which sometimes tickles my arms. Have I already said he is so cute?

We arrived at the veterinary clinic after a short while. The place looks very modern and technologically advanced, with glasses replacing the front wall and the main entrance. From the outside, we can clearly see some people waiting there with their respective pets, which the majority are dogs and cats. Looks like we are the only onse with a special pet. We head to the reception and begin again with the bureaucracy, which is mostly done by Caesar. After finishing them, we sit and await our turn.

While waiting, I can feel how some students are staring at the special creature I have between my arms. Their faces are filled with amazement as they see what a marvelous creature I possess. But then, their astonishment is replaced by concern upon looking at me. Nothing out of ordinary, to be honest, as I have been exposed to those looks since I received the new collar. Also, the guards at the entrance have not stopped putting their eyes on me and with their hand holding their taser, in case something undesired happens.

I look at the fennett with a smile, "Looks like we're popular, Baguette."

The fennett also stares at me while I was talking to him and barks.

Caesar gazes slowly at me and judges with his eyes, "Baguette? You are naming him that?"

"Yeah, why not? The name is cu-, awesome. Right, Baguette?" Baguette looks at me confused and makes small noises.

The left door near the reception slides open and a student with a large golden fluffy dog comes out, followed by a veterinarian wearing a blue outfit. He is scanning the area with his eyes while holding a list. The young man is very tall and white, with long black straight hair and deep eye bags.

"Lorraine Carldoneil." the man speaks with a deep voice.

"I am." 

He immediately stares intensely at me for a few long seconds. I feel like being scanned completely, as if gathering every bit of information from me. I do not like this sensation.

"Come in." he motions his head towards his office.

Caesar and I stand up and head into the room. As I walk with Baguette still on my arms, I still can feel how the gazes follow my movements until I am out of their sight, as the door closes behind us. The room is not very big, but nonetheless spacious given the fact that it stores everything essential for inspections. At the side, we can see the vet's desk with a computer and folders. In the center, there is a table for the pet to stand on, with a wheeled side table for storing some instruments nearby, and many shelves on the wall with, I presume, medicines.

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