At around six in the morning, I picked her up from the floor and laid her down on her bed. I stepped into the hallway so I could make a quick phone call.

"Hey, is she okay?" Mike instantly asked. It only took a single dial ring before he answered.

"Nah mate, she is not. I just sat there on the floor with her for an hour while she cried her heart out. She was hysterical" I sighed, running my hands over my face.

"Where is she now?" he asked, already knowing that this would most likely happen.

"Asleep in bed, I do not know how long she will stay like that though."

"I am on my way" he said, hanging up.

I made my way into Bianca's bed, pulling her body close to mine. I continued combing my fingers through her hair hoping that it would keep her calm.

It did not take long before Mike showed up. When the doorbell went off, Bianca stirred in her sleep but did not wake up. I moved from beside her and went to open the door.

Mike was a great guy and we had become closer over the past few weeks.

"How are you holding up?" I asked, slapping his hand, and pulling him in for a hug.

"I am okay. It is hard but Bianca has always had it a lot worse. Seeing him die was really hard on her."

We walked up the stairs as we continued talking. Once we reached Bianca's bedroom, she was still laying down except her eyes were open.

"Hey bumblebee" Mike said softly.

Bianca's POV

"Mikey" I choked out.

I jumped from the bed and instantly run over to him sobbing.

"I have got you" he mumbled against my neck as I wrapped my arms around him.

"Everyone said that it would get easier over time and it is not getting easier Mikey. I cannot keep going through this" I sobbed as the tears streamed down my face.

"I know" he sighed.

"Usually, mum is here but she is gone too now" I cried.

Mike pulled my face away so I could look at him as he spoke. "You have us" he said, pointing between Caleb and himself, "and we are not going anywhere."

Caleb had said that he was going to stay home from school but after some debating, he agreed to go so that Mike and I could spend some time together honouring our dad.

We went for a drive to his grave where there was more tears shed and then we went to dad's favourite diner to have a coffee and breakfast. We spent a couple of hours telling stories and sharing our favourite moments with dad.

"Are you sure you want to go in?" Mike asked as he parked outside my school.

"Yes, I already had half of the day off and if I go home, I will think about it and then I will cry. I need to keep myself busy" I said.

"Call me if you need anything" Mike said.

"I will, you know that."

I knew that I had just arrived at the beginning of lunch, so I instantly made my way to the lunchroom where my friends welcomed me in with big hugs and loving words.

"How are you?" Caleb asked, giving me a peck on the lips.

"Better" I smiled.

Looking around the lunchroom, I could not help but notice the stares. I mean, it seemed like everyone was looking at us and whispering. Surely us dating could not cause this much attention. The only person who I was expecting to be whispering and causing drama was Chloe but instead she was just standing in the corner with her friends, glaring at me.

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