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Everyone who voted on last chapter thank you soo much.
Without wasting much time let's start the chapter.

It's next day

Porsche's pov.

So I was going to the classroom and just hope I don't meet that jerk again

When I opened the door I felt something wet on my body and it was paint which ruined my white shirt and now I can only see kinn and another guys maybe his friends laughing like a crazy person.

"What the hell you bastard ruined my clothes. Do you have any sense?"
"Ofcourse I do it's just a little welcome gift from my side" replied him with his fucking smirk . I swear I will snatch this smirk from his face. He winked towards me and went to outside of class.

I hurriedly went to washroom.  Vegas maybe saw me in his way so he came to me.

"Hey Porsche are you ok ? Who did this ?"said him
"Fucking bestfriend of yours and now I didn't even brought any extra clothes."
"I will arrange clothes for you fast give me a minute" he said and run outside .

It's 5 minutes he didn't came back and class is going to start in some minutes I am in trouble. I snapped from my daydream when I say him and pete coming inside

Pete asked if I am ok and I just nod. They gave me clothes but I said "what the hell I am not going to wear this "
"See you don't have any other choice you have to wear them and class is going to start go shu shu" said pete dragging me inside to change.

I came out and pete teased me saying " awwwww Porsche you are looking super adorable"
"Yes you are looking cute . Boys and girls are going to have bleeding nose haha " said vegas

" Whatever " I said
( He is wearing a black crop top with high waist shorts )

As me and Vegas bid bye to pete we entered in classroom and I swear they are eyeing me like a prey.

Kinn's pov.

We were laughing hard on Porsche. Oh my I can't his face was soo annoyed. Haha he look like cat 🐈.

He shouted and I replied him back "ofcourse I do it's just a little welcome from my side" and winked towards him.

I move out of class to bring some papers and when came  back he was still not in class. Just then he entered and wait why the hell is he wearing shorts and crop top didn't he get anything else everyone is literally eye fucking him and he normally glare at me and sat on his bench.

Vegas came and stand beside me.

"Hey he is your friend don't you think you should tell him to wear something else" I said
" And why is that "
"Everyone is eyeing him even those of blue sky gang"
"Possesive much"

( Note: blue sky gang is their mafia rivals and also they are group of 8 who also are pervert men and flirt with boys an girls.)

" I am not it's just he is your friend also Pete's bestfriend that's why"
" How do you know pete?"
"He is in my class by the way here your papers and tell him to be aware of blue sky gang" I left from their but I wonder which group Porsche belong to or which mafia is his parents as only mafia related student can study in this college.

Back to Porsche's pov.

After classes end and it was lunch break vegas came to me and said let's go.

I was packing my bag and someone slammed a hand on my table.

It was a group of 8 people and from seeing them i am feeling they are not good for me.

One of them said " hi baby boy my name is Brent would you like to come with us. We can give you alot of pleasure"

" You dare to come and say that again and will see hell I am warning you and your group last time " I snapped on them but one of them said " are you coming or we should just force you to come" and held my hand.

That's it
It was enough now vegas came forward to help but I stopped him.

Now you will se apo 😈
In 2 minutes they all were down and Vegas was just shocked and froze in his place like statue.

" I told you don't dare to do anything again now see ch ch ch soo bad you all can't even stand"

I came forward and said " Vegas close your mouth or else fly will come inside" he closed his mouth and said " let's just go from here"

Vegas's pov.

I was too shocked to react he fucking win over 8 people in 2 min. Like bro they are mafias

Porsche in which group you are? I asked he said " for whom Black devils  searching for "
"I didn't understand and do you known I am from black devil"
" Yes I known that and I am from devil's law "  he said and I am again froze on my place.
Soo have you seen your boss's face?
He laughed "when time will come I will tell you further but right know keep it a secret from your boss kinn"

"How do you known kinn is boss not lot's of people known about it "

" I have my ways but don't worry my gang will not harm yours"

"But your boss is going to pay for his today's prank" he said and here we go again there fights oh my .


So how was chapter tell in comments I think I vote it for next part.


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