first meeting

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Hi everyone
Happy reading.

Porsche's pov.
I was walking in my new be on cloud University . It is biggest University in Thailand . But not a normal one. Here rules are different as all mafia and their children study here . This place is full of Gangster, drug dealer, mafia. But is quiet as no one is allowed to bring weapons and dangerous stuff

But they don't knows who are they dealing with as right now I have 2 mini guns and 1 knife with me . It's my first day but in 2nd year as I just changed my collage.
Pete and Porschay are walking with me fighting over some stupid stuff

"Hey where is principal office we need to go their " I said to a guy who is looking like 2nd year student . His appearance is nice he is kinda attractive too but not my type.
Ya ya I am gay but don't tell anyone shh🤫

"Yes come with me" he replied
We were going with him while talking

"My name is Porsche "
"My name is vegas " he replied

Are you 2nd year student? He asked and I replied "yes and you"
Me too he said

I was talking to him but my eyes went on pete who was watching vegas like a fangirl watching her oppa.

I got that . He is in love at first sight 😏 I smirked and gave him a smug look .

"By the way he is my brother Porschay and my bestfriend pete"
Vegas said hello to Porschay which he returned with handshake but when vegas greet pete he said " h.h.hi my is pete."

Now I was having hard time controlling my laughter as pete who is not afraid to take someone life is shuttering in front of me like a scared cat 🐱.

Now we are in front of principal office. I knocked on door a deep voice said come in.
I got my schedule and bid my good bye to pete and Porschay as we have different classes

I went with vegas to maths class. Ok fuck I hate maths 😩

After some classes
{ Time skip }
It was luch break and me and Vegas were going to canteen.

Hi chay , hi pete what should we bring  I asked them . We decided and I with pete went to bring food for vegas , chay and ourself ofcourse.

I just turned around after taking my meal but some idiot bumped into me.

"Ahh! What did you do! " I shouted and now everyone in canteen was watching us ready to have some drama.
(Lol 🤣)

"What you should watch your way kid"  he said . I looked up at his face and i should agree he is handso.. Porsche come back to your senses

"You are the one who bumped into me and instead of saying sorry you are excusing me bitch just go fuck off " I shouted on his face

Kinn's pov.

I was walking in canteen but bumped into someone . I was about to shout when I saw his face .
Who is he ? He is kinda sexy and hot but my type is cute and small. I snapped from my dream when
He shouted at me

I agree it was my fault but am not gonna apologies . I have fucking pride of being number 1 mafia boss
Instead I replied" what? You should watch your way kid" I said kid as he is looking like 1st year student and I have never seen him before maybe new in college.

He shouted back and I studdenly take his both hands and pinned him to the wall behind . Everyone was watching us and waiting for drama to continue .
Out of nowhere vegas came and Porsche yanked out his hand out from my grip .

Vegas asked Porsche "hey are you ok"
He replied " yaa just this idiot came to ruin my day but what are you doing here ? You were waiting with chay right?" Vegas said " pete came to me said you were fighting with someone so I came hurriedly . Don't worry pete is with your brother."

I feel like my bestfriend forget me
I tapped on his shoulder and said " why are you talking to him is he your some close friend "   "he is my new friend " replied by vegas.

" So kinn he is my new friend Porsche and Porsche he is my best friend kinn but he is in 3rd year and Porsche is in 2nd year" he said

Porsche's pov.

So his name is kinn hmm.
I have heard of it somewhere
Yaa he is mafia boss on top position.
" Hey asshole gotta go I don't want to waste more time on such a jerk who can't even apologies and Vegas come with me to next class hurry up naaa"
I known I should be polite to vegas friend

But this jerk is really something he has alot of ego and I will break it😤

Kinn's pov.
So his name is Porsche. His looks are innocent but really a foul mouth . You are something . Man he got duality as in one sentence he is cursing he like wild  lion and next moment talking to vegas like a cute kid also clinging to him like a kid.

Let's to some kind of prank it will not harm much just his attitude. 😈

Soooo how the chapter tell in comments. Uff more then 900 words.
Kindly ignore mistakes and please vote if you liked it.

Comment your thoughts on it.
For now byee will meet ya in next chapter 👋

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