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When i was about to wake up, i saw Ate cleaning my closet "Oh Kali, you're awake, go to the dining room, i have prepared breakfast for you" Ate said, i nodded at what she said and followed her order.

I went to the dining room and saw Kie and Addi at the couch, watching Netflix "Really? Your both watching Netflix at 6:00 a.m in the morning?" i said, Kie and Addi just laughed at me but i letted them be.

I went to the dining room and saw my favorite almusal, CHAMPORADO!!!, I was jumping when i saw the champorado, and Kie, Addi and Ate looked so stunned to see me jumping for minutes "Uhmm.. What are you doing?" Addi said.

"Oh nothing" i said while kinda laughing, i sat down to eat, while eating, i noticed that someone kept messaging me so i decided to check on it while eating, while i was checking the message, i almost spitted out my food when i saw the message.

'Sleep early tonight!! It's my wedding tomorrow, be ready!!' That's what the message said and also didn't realize that it is Ares who messaged me, and saw that the message was sent at 5 in the morning, so i still have time to ask him things.

to: Ares Mikael Cian 


from: Ares Mikael Cian


to: Ares Mikael Cian

Are you excited to get married??

from: Ares Mikael Cian

Girl, I'm so excited and ready, well, kinda nervous too....

to: Ares Mikael Cian

Well do you want me to go to you're house and stay there with you till' tomorrow?

from: Ares Mikael Cian

Yes please

to: Ares Mikael Cian

Alright, I'm coming!!!

After messaging Ares, I just laughed, "Ate, ate, ATE!" i shouted as i was packing some stuff "What?, what?, what?" Ate asked "I'm gonna pack a few stuff, okay? I'm gonna stay at Ares' apartment for his wedding tomorrow, and you guys should be ready too, okay?" i said.

"Khaaaap phi, okay but make sure you have everything you need, okay?" Ate said, Ay oo nga pala, 'Khap phi' means 'Yes mam/sir'.

"Okay, I'm good now" i said "Ok good, then be careful, okay?" Ate said "Yes Ate, I'll go now, see you outside the church tomorrow, I'll send you the location, byeee" i said while going out the door.

While i was putting my stuff inside Ares' car, i noticed that Ares was shaking like he was freezing, so i asked him if he's okay "Hey, Ares, you ok? why are you shaking?" i asked "Girl, I'm so nervous for tomorrow" Ares said nervously.

"It's fine, you can do it and you're gonna be great" i said proudly to him "Really? You think so?" Ares said "I don't think so, I know so" i said and hugged him tightly "Alright, then we better go, or were gonna be late for tomorrow" Ares said and we both laughed.

We both went inside the car and we talked and talked and talked inside the car about what's happening on our lives now "...And we broke up" i said "What?! No way! You broke up with the DY's CEO's son?" Ares asked.

"Yeah" I said "Damn, Caleb Kristian Asilo-Dimayuga, he's hot, cute, smart, handsome and rich, but, not my type" Ares said "How come? I mean he's everyone's type" i asked when we finally stopped at the building.

"I'll tell you upstairs" Ares said, Ares just parked his car and i waited for him in front of the entrance door, As i was we were unpacking my stuff and clothes, someone messaged me, and it was none other than Mr. Caleb Dimayuga.


Hey Kali, where are you? You're Ate told me that you're not on your apartment.


I here at Ares' condo, why?


Oh, n-nothing, just worried




I'll see you at Ares' condo tomorrow?


Sure, i'll send you the address tomorrow morning


Ok, goodnight :)



After chatting with Caleb, i saw Ares behind and he startled me "What the- ARES!" i said "Yes?" Ares teased me "How long have you been behind my back?" i asked "Well, when you started messaging Mr. Caleb Kristian Asilo-Dimayuga" Ares still teased me.

"You know what Ares? Instead of teasing me, you should just help me unpack my stuff" i said, Ares agreed and laughed, while unpacking my stuff, i suddenly felt hungry, so i went to Ares' kitchen and saw a lot of food and veggies.

"Dang Ares', you've got a lot of food and drinks here" i said "Yeah, I like to cook a lot and Killen always love my food and his favorite food that i made was Caldereta" Ares said while unpacking my stuff.

"Killen is a lucky guy, then, can you cook lunch for the two of us?" i asked "Are you sure? You haven't even tasted my food yet" Ares said in a shy way "Oh come on, if Killen loves it, then i will too" i said.

Ares prepared everything he need, and i'm not gonna lie, his kitchen is very clean and very wide too, like it's cleaner and wider than my bathroom, while Ares was cooking, i decided to make dessert, since i'm more better in pastry and desserts.

"Ares, do you have any pastry and berries i could use? I'm gonna make some pie and mango graham" i said "They're on the fridge, the pastries are below the berries" Ares said while cooking a lot of food.

While i was preparing some desserts to cook and bake, my phone kept on bugging me, so i decide to check it out. As i was scrolling through Facebook, I noticed that there were a lot of posters about some series.

Turns out, there was a new BL series named 'Sky In Your Heart'. When i saw that it was a BL, i started jumping like a crazy monkey and called Ares "ARES!! Come here!" i shouted "What?!" Ares said when he came inside the room.

"Do you watch BL?" i asked "Yeah, why?" Ares asked "Have you heard about the new BL series?" i asked "What new BL series?" Ares asked, i showed him the picture of the new BL series "Wow and it already aired last week?" Ares said.

"Yeah, we should watch the first episode later while eating lunch, don't you think?" i said "The food and the desserts are ready now, let's eat!" Ares said happily.



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