"Your suprise is up there." He said pointing his forefinger up at the building.

We entered the building and he lead towards the lift. We stepped into the lift and he pressed the top floor and stepped backward to where i was standing.

"I have a doubt!" You exclaimed as soon as the elevator doors closed.

"What is it?"

"Why do we call it kidnapping when you aren't kidnapping a kid but an adult. Why don't we call it adultnapping?" You asked as if it's something important making kai chuckle.

"Where did that come from? I don't know maybe because it sounds weird." He shrugged his shoulders.

"You are weird." He added

"Thanks!" I nodded taking it as a compliment.

"Seriously?" He chuckled.

"Yep! Is there any problem? "

"No." The rest of the elevator journey went with you making weird poses in the mirrors that were in the elevator as kai joined along with you .

The elevator dinged soon after, indicating you both reached the top floor. The doors of the elevator closed behind you as you both stepped out.

"so,where's my suprise?" You asked looking around,kai checked his watch before looking at you.

"You'll see it in 10-15 minutes.come on" he said leading you towards the edge of the building and sat down, letting his legs down and dangling them in the air.

You sat down beside him,cross legged. For a few minutes both of you stayed in silence, feeling the cold breeze against your skin. There was no sound expect the sounds of crickets.

You looked up and stared at the dark sky which was turning into white when kai spoke breaking the peaceful silence.

"I'm sorry." He said making you turn your head towards him but he wasn't looking at you.

"For what?" Now he turned to look at you. He just stared for a good few seconds before sighing.

"For what I said last time. I'm sorry i shouldn't have said that you're mine infront the whole neighborhood and shouldn't have shouted at you other day about you not answering my texts and messages, but i had to do it. I had no other choice than to do so"

"That day the Kai you saw wasn't the real kai. This kai,the one you are seeing now is the real me" he continued and you being the keen listener heard him silently.

"I had to do that so no one would hurt you. You shouldn't have come to me that day in the first place. You got yourself into trouble and almost got hit because you're seen with me, because of me." He had his head hung low but he instantly lifted it up again looked at you.

"Then i took your phone number from your neighbour next door to apologise but you never listened to me. I came to your home after few days since you weren't answering my calls nor texts." he once again sighed, looking forward at the city from the top.

"I saw you and came towards you playfully but you saw the fear in your eyes. I would've apologized by then but i felt someone watching us. So i decide to do the opposite and ended up scaring you even more." You furrowed your eye brows at his confession.

"I was afraid that day when i came to your house because someone was kept there for you and watch over you. I was worried thinking you are home. That's why I texted that messages with exaltation marks. I wasn't shouting i was worried sick." Your eyes widened and a gasp left your lips, catching kai's attention.

"Don't worry i got rid of that someone and everything already.so,no worries. But i kept coming to your house surroundings just to make sure you are safe and alright."

His Clumsy Assistant |•K.TH X Reader•| Where stories live. Discover now