The Lion Boy Part 3

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Percy POV

Years passed, I left the orphanage at age five, and I was now seven. The vocabulary I had acquired was probably slightly creepy for those who talked to me. My lions had grown, and were now full size. A couple days after I left, a pen appeared in my pocket. A monster cornered me later, and I found that when I uncapped the pen, it grew into a sword. There was words on it, and I learned its name, Riptide. My lions protected me from the monsters as well, with their strangely bronze looking claws and teeth, which sometimes turned a simple white around normal people. I also learned to fight the monsters the woman in my dreams had taught me about. At age seven, I had defeated countless hell hounds, the minotaur, and a hydra. I began to realize that the gods were real. As were titans. I figured out I was a son of Poseidon, and that I had been blessed by Rhea and Hestia. And here I am now sitting in a dumpster, my lions at my side, and thinking about my past.

Suddenly I heard a rustling behind me, my lions tensed, and my hand went to my pocket, where Riptide was kept. I drew it out and with a shink three feet of deadly bronze glowed in darkness. I heard the rustling again, a little farther down, in another dumpster. I crept out of mine and landed softly. My lions followed suit. I stalked down the alley, sticking to the shadows, I pressed up against the dumpster then jumped in, sword ready. I was almost taken down by a hammer. A girl about my age, was the source of it. She threw the hammer with velocity and it hit Dynatos in his side.

"Hey!" I yelled at her, "You hurt my lion!" She frowned,

"I thought you were a monster!" She shouted back at me in defense. I glared but handed her back her hammer, and let Riptide return to pen form. I turned to Dynatos and placed my hand on him, summoning flames to heal him. I turned back to the girl. She had dirty blonde curls that stretched halfway down her back. Stormy grey eyes blazed dangerously.

"I'm Percy," I said, offering my hand. She reluctantly shook it,

"Annabeth, are you sure those aren't going to eat us?" She asked pointing to Dynatos and Axi.

"Very sure. Rhea would never let them." She arched an eyebrow,

"Like Rhea as in the titan?"

"The very one. She blessed me. And so did Hestia." She gave me a nod of approval.

"I think I'm a daughter of Athena, but I'm not sure." I studied her closer,

"I'm sure. Your most definitely a daughter of Athena. I'm a son of Poseidon. I'm also really tired. I'm taking a nap," I said, and closing my eyes, I drifted off.

I woke up to Annabeth shaking me,

"The lions are getting restless, it smells funny, I think theres a monster nearby." I close my eyes,

"The lions will take care of it, unless its a hydra, if its a hydra they need me to burn the stumps. Is it a hydra?" She shook her head.

"I'm tired, you should sleep." As I said this I felt her oblige, and we snuggled in together, keeping warm.

This time I woke up to Axi shaking me, telling me we need to get moving. I grumbled but sat up, and woke up Annabeth. She gathered her things, which only turned out to be the hammer and a Cosmic Brownie she managed to steal. Part of my blessing with Hestia was that I could summon home cooked meals, so we split the brownie and I summoned an omelet breakfast. I got up and started walking

"Where are we going?" She asked me.

"I dunno. I'm personally going sightseeing. So far, I've been to Vegas, the Statue of Liberty, Salt Flats, the Four Corners, Yellowstone, a huge amount of presidential things in D.C, the Hershey factory in Hershey, Pennsylvania, the Space Needle, Omaha Zoo, Kansas City Zoo, and I'm currently headed to the Grand Canyon. Do you want to come with us? I don't think Dynatos and Axi will mind." She grinned, nodded, and I took her hand, happy to have a friend. As we walked along we talked and I learned her story, and she learned mine. We sympathized and laughed.

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