"Is it true they were able to transform into dragons?"

"Very much so; it's what made them more dangerous than their Dragonkin cousins. They were a tragic race they were bless with so much and once had a lovely community... Unfortunately thanks to the war, and some events they had lost everything."

"Including their lives."

"Yep... To change the subject everyone I know your all weary from your travels so a bath and feast was prepared ahead of time for you all."

"I'll stay to unpack... The Goblin's may return..." Goblin Slayer said surprising Mith while it went unfazed by the others.

"Yea no surprise there... I'll stay and help-"

"No Arty I'll stay here and help! Big sis may come by so I'll just stay here and say hello." The Ranger said with a confident smile waving one hand.

"Oh okay, I have the highest confidence that when we return it'll be nicely organized and clean here?" The Artificer said with a sweet smile while his eyes held a frozen deadpan glance at their Archer.

"Uh Ano-"

"And that you'll be helping Goblin Slayer instead of lazing around?"

"O-of course not! I..." The Archer said twiddling with her fingers with a sheepish look on her face.

"Woah... Impossible..." Mith said quietly in shock.

"Sir Artificer had mastered getting a handle on our Archer." The Lizardman said with a smirk on his face as the group had smiles on the Artificer's parent like lecture to the Archer.

"Mou! Arty! You can count on me!"

"Hehe Ok Goblin Slayer good luck!" The Artificer said after Head patting the Archer following the others as they left.

"Hm... I'm glad you listened to me Arty... I hope you two get along."

"So... This is what they have for meat..."
"Young Cat... I know your pain..." The Dwarf and Pad-foot said as they started at the table that had a selection of fruits, vegetables, grilled bugs, and crustaceans like bugs on the table.

"Hey don't knock it til you try it you too!" The Artificer said eating what looked like a crab claw but as they were informed was a claw of a Forest Scorpion, booming with flavor.

"They certainly are delectable! You two going to have that?"

"Yes! a Dwarf never shares his food!"
"Yes a samurai never passes up on a host's food!"

"Might want to think carefully about your phrasing there Kitty." The Loxodon said eating several fruits he had in hand and trunk.

"Oh So when would we meet the chief? I wanted to said thanks for having us." The Artificer asked after Mith had a small interaction with the Dwarf, who then looked at him with a faint smile.

"Well, you do have an audience with the chieftain, everyone who enters the forest does, after all... One could say he is the forest."

"Oh... I see..." The Artificer said looking up at the massive tree they were on having the feast. It was sad to know that Hea's father is no longer alive so he couldn't met the man who brought his Ranger to this world. "Thank you for your daughter I promise to protect her til my last breath."

"You were looking forward to meeting him."

"Naturally; who wouldn't miss an opportunity to meet a friends Parents and dig for information you can use to embarrass your friends." The Artificer said trying to deceive Mith's insight.

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