Side Story: White Spire

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"Your right... This is a good place to watch the stars." The Elf said laying on a meadow field on a high hill as she and the Artificer laid next to each other watching the Stars above.

"Yep... Thanks for coming with me these last few days have been busy." The Artificer said turning his head to look at the Elf as she turned her body to look at him with a smile.

"I can't blame you. It must've been one heck of an adventure if Heavy Warrior asked for your and Orcbolg's help. On top of Spearman's as well." The Elf said resting her head on his arm he had stretch out to her.

"Kinda jealous really... Then again I needed that lazy day yesterday."

"You didn't tell me you had a Lazy day yesterday. Mind sharing?" The Artificer asked wrapping his arm around her while she snuggled into it.

"Yea well only if you tell me about your Adventure. Still jealous that you went on a non Goblin Slaying quest with Orcbolg."

"That's fair... Ok well this was shortly after you and me had..."

"Ah Ha! I win again Arty!" The Elf said fist pumping the air as she held her bow in the other hand.

"Yup... Definitely shows I should work on my archery skills." The Artificer said looking at several targets they had put in the forest so that they could have alone time outside the town when they're not doing quest.

"Your skills is good enough Arty, just practice more for whenever you need to fill in for me. But with that in mind..." The Elf paused sheathing her bow giving a sheepish look at her Artificer.

"Hm?... Oh yea... Your reward... Hm... R-right..." He blushed taking his goggles off and closing his eyes as he felt the Elf wrap her arms around him giving him a soft kiss on the lips.

"Hehe... So are you ready to head back?" The Elf asked holding his hand with a slight blush on her cheeks.

"Sure but we can take our time if you want." The Artificer said holding her hand with a smile.

"Hm... Ok done!" The Elf said excitedly holding his hand as the two enjoyed a nice stroll through the forest

"So was there anything you wanted to do My lady?"

"Hm... Nothing really comes to mind... Unless you want me to help you work on Defendy."

"Hm... I'll be fine I need this time to apologize to Defendy and make upgrades on him."


"Yea you see Constructs usually require a soul to be able to work, me and Lady Tinkerer used part of ours for our Construct."

"Wait so are you soul bounded?!"

"Luckily no... Lady Tinkerer's notes helped me realized that."

"Ok that's good... If you want me to I can definitely help."

"That's true your the best help I can get. Though tonight... I might get distracted by flirting with you." The Artificer said holding her chin up so they were face to face smiling at her as she blushed a fierce red color.

"I-I-I'm not that Distracting! So fine!" She said crossing her arms in a pouting tone.

"Hehe... Look we're here... Hm oh shoot there's Witch and Lady Knight!"

"Ah! Uh Uh... Here!" The Elf said kicking the Artificer behind some crates so he could hide however he hit his head in the process.

"Ahh quiet!"

"Ah... Lady Ranger... How... Are you?" The Witch asked as she and Lady Knight walked to her.

"O-oh I'm good I was doing some target practice in the woods!"

The Artificer in the Party (Goblin Slayer Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now