Chapter 8: The Ancients

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Some days have passed, Magolor was able to stop thinking about the Master Crown for a while and, for some reason, now Marx lives with him in the Lor

Marx: Hey Magolor, I was wondering... How do you know so much about the ancients?

Magolor: Oh well, when I was in Halcandra I found many books about their story and their powers

Marx: Halcandra, huh? Why don't we go there one of these days?

Magolor: I don't know... It's been a while since the last time I've been there, and is not the safest place in the galaxy...

Marx: But you lived there! What scares you about that place?

Magolor: You see, there's this dragon, called Landia, and is the Master Crown's real owner

Marx: But Halcandra is a full world, it won't be hard for us to hide somewhere

Magolor: Maybe you're right... Why do you want to go there, anyway?

Marx: You see, I'm interested to find more about the ancients and I think they were quite related to Halcandra, since both the Lor and the Master Crown were there. Also, you might find some other cool artifacts, what do you think?

Magolor: A journey in a world completely made of volcanos just to find something more about the ancients? I need to think about it...

Marx: Take your time, we're just talking about POWERFULL things that could help us.

Magolor: Well, even if I want to go there, I should open a dimensional portal with the Lor, I haven't done that in a while and I don't really remember how to do it...

Magolor: Anyways, could you go call Susie and Taranza? Is better if they come with us

Marx: Are you sure you want other people with us?

Magolor nodded while he was focusing to the Lor's panel to make portals

Marx: Alright.

Marx made his wings appear and flew out of the Lor.
Later, Taranza and Susie were both at the Starcutter

Taranza: So we're going to see your old world?? That's so cool!

Susie: I'm actually interested, you never told us about it

Magolor: Is a cool place, there are volcanos, fire, lava... Dragons

Taranza: "Dragons"?!

Magolor: Yeah, it's a long story

Marx: And all the stuff you know about the ancients is stuff you found on Halcandra, right?

Magolor: Right.

Taranza: So, what are we waiting? Let's go!

Magolor: What are we waiting is... That I haven't started the Lor in a while, and it will need some time

Magolor then turned on the Lor

Lor: Powering on... 1% completed

Magolor: Umm... Lor, how much is it gonna take?

Lor: Calculing possible time needed: 16 hours

Marx: Oh, great...

Magolor: Seems like we're going to wait for a while...

Taranza: Yeah... Hey, I've got an idea! Why don't we sleep here for tonight since we are going to travel tomorrow?

Susie: Seems a good idea!

Magolor: The Lor has enough rooms for everyone, yeah we ca-

Lor: Powering on... 2% completed

Magolor: Lor, disable the audio, please

A text appeared on the display of the Lor, it said "Audio disabled"

Magolor: Well, why don't we go organize our rooms?

(Our heroes are going to Halcandra to find more about the ancients... What is going to happen? Well, we'll know in the next chapter! I hope you enjoyed and see you in the next one!)

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