Chapter 9: Traveling To Halcandra

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Almost everyone were sleeping in the Lor, until...

*Alarm ringing at 5:00 AM*

Magolor from another room: Taranza! Turn off that thing, I'm trying to sleep

Taranza turning off the alarm: Sorry, sorry!

Taranza then went to the kitchen to have breakfast but-

Taranza: Marx?

Marx was reading some books from a shelf were there was a write saying "cool ancients stuff"

Marx: HUH?! H-hey Taranza!

Taranza: What'cha doing?

Marx: Oh, nothing. Just... Reading some stuff...

Taranza: Alright, have you had breakfast yet?

Marx: Umm... No, I just woke up and-

Taranza: Got it!

Taranza took some bowls and put them on the table

Marx: I did not ask you to make the breakfast.

Taranza: I know, but you look hungry

Marx: But-

Taranza: And don't lie, we're going to travel in the galaxy! We need to eat enough for the journey

Marx thoughts: How weird... I don't see him as a friend, but still, he acts nice to me

Taranza: Oh! I almost forgot I need to make coffee too

Marx: Well, uhh... Thanks, I guess

Taranza: You're welcome, since I wake up earlier than the others I can't just stand and do nothing

Marx: So, you're an ex-villain, right?

Taranza: Mhm

Marx: You don't look like one... What have you done to be a Villain?

Taranza: You see... Long time ago, I served a queen, her name was Sectonia and she was the best queen my people could get... Sadly, once she got a mirror, a odd mirror with dark glass, and that mirror turned her in someone that wasn't the Sectonia I knew, but I continued to be loyal to her and look at the bright side of things, until... Kirby arrived because we tried to invade Popstar and he defeated Sectonia... Shattering my hopes to see her again... I know he did the right thing, but I just can't forget who was Sectonia for me and...

Some tears started to fall from Taranza's face

Taranza: I... I miss her...

Marx: Uhh... You ok, bud?

Taranza cleaned the tears with one of his hands

Taranza: Yeah yeah! I just got carried away, anyways I think Magolor and Susie should wake up soon

Magolor just showed up

Magolor: And you're right. Oh, you made the coffee! thanks

Susie: Hey guys, did you sleep well?

Then they had breakfast and everything was ready for traveling

Magolor: So, are you guys ready?

Marx: Sure we are!

Magolor: Lor, activate the portal for Another Dimension!

Lor: Portal Activated.

Then the Lor shoted a laser that opened a star-shaped portal

Magolor: Let's go!

The Lor started to fly and then it went in the portal at high speed and they were finally in...
Another Dimension

Taranza: This place is so cool!

Magolor: This is a place that connects all the worlds with each other

Susie: We could go literally everywhere...

Magolor: Yeah, but our destination is Halcandra!

Marx: I think I see it

Marx pointed at a red world full of volcanos

Magolor: Mhm, I recognize it!

Magolor made the Lor land on Halcandra in a safe zone without volcanos

The four then went out of the Lor

Magolor: And this is Halcandra! My old home.

His friends weren't very happy to see how Halncadra actually is

Susie: I think I talk for everyone if I say this place looks like hell...

Magolor looked unamused

Taranza: Is here a place without lava?

Magolor: Yeah, we could go to Egg Engines, is a place full of machines!

Susie: Machines?!

(And our heroes arrived to Halcandra! Are they going to find what they're looking for? Nice question, let's see the answer in the next chapter and, like always, I hope you enjoyed)

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