Chapter 7: Heroes Relax Too

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It was night, Marx was sleeping on the roof of the Lor, like a pidgeon and Magolor was trying to sleep, too bad he was not able to stop thinking about what Marx said.

Magolor thoughts: Marx has my crown, and is trying to drag me in his side... I can't do that to Kirby! I won't betray him again. I know I should tell someone this situation, but Kirby would eventually know I used the Master Crown even if I sweared to not use it... What do I do?
Maybe I should just sleep...

The next morning

Magolor woke up by the sunlight, and then he went to the kitchen and... Marx was looking for food in the fridge

Magolor: Marx, what the hell are you doing?

Marx: Oh, good morning Mags, I can't find anything good to eat

Magolor dragged Marx out of the fridge

Magolor: I said you could sleep here, not that you could eat.

Marx: I ' m h u n g r y

Magolor made the breakfast and then Taranza and Susie wanted to see Magolor... Without expecting to see Marx too

Susie: Oh, I didn't expect to see him too

Magolor: Yeah, it's a long story...

Taranza: So? Did you find the Master Crown?

Magolor: Umm... Yeah! But I hid it!

Marx thoughts while eating: What a liar!

Susie: So, there isn't anything we need to worry about today?

Magolor: I guess.

Taranza: Let's go take the ice-cream!

Meanwhile, at castle Dedede

DDD: I'm so proud of you, Meta knight! You stopped talking about people that could betray us

Meta knight: I understand that I was starting to be ridicolous, but maybe I just needed to not think about it

DDD: Why don't we go take some ice-cream for celebrate?

Kirby: Poyo poyo!

Literally 15 minutes later

Taranza: So, I was thinking of making books about all the Kirby's adventures! Nice idea, huh?

Marx: Yeah, that sounds cool

DDD: Ah! Look who is here!

Magolor: Hm? Oh hello Dedede, and the others!

Meta knight: Hello, Magolor, I wanted to apologize for the issues we had

Magolor: Oh, that's alright! *Shakes Meta knight hand* even if you made me look like an evil backstabber in front of everyone at the party. But is alright

Kirby, trying to reach the ice-cream on the ice-cream machine or however you call it: Poyo-!

DDD: Yeah, don't worry Kirby, I will buy it for you too

Taranza: Hey Mags, I was wondering...

Magolor: Mhm?

Taranza: Why do you hide your face?

Susie: Yeah, I was wondering that too

Marx: is that because you're shy or something?

Meta knight: Well, I hide my face with a mask because is a knights thing

Magolor: Oh, you "hide" it? It's not that is too hard to beat you and break it

Meta knight: Did you just say I'm easily beatable?

Taranza: The question is for Magolor, don't try to change argument

Magolor: Fine, but don't judge it.

Magolor took off his scarf...? Is that considered a scarf? Anyways
Under that scarf, Magorr's mouth was visible: it was like his soul's form mouth, but without the melting thing, without the eye and it was yellow

Susie: why are we supposed to judge it? It looks normal

Magolor: because... It can do a thing

Marx: That is...?

An eye appeared inside Magolor's

Magolor: This.

Taranza: Uhh...

Susie: It looks umm... Cool?

Meta knight: Is that something left from the crown?

Magolor: Yeah.

Kirby: Poyo...

Kirby doesn't like to see that eye, bad memories

Marx: Why do you hide it?

Magolor: No reason, is just because some ancients used to wear clothes like this: scarf, cape and hood

Marx: You really do know a lot of stuff about ancients... And their cool artifacts too...

(Chapter's over! I know, maybe is not as interesting as other chapters, but I can't always write about betraying, fear, fights and stuff like that, but don't worry... They'll be back...)

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