Chapter 13: The Plan

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Some days have passed since Magolor was stuck with the Master Crown slowly consuming him, he haven't slept much because of the crown and his friends were working hard trying to find a way to help him

Susie: How do you feel today?

Magolor: My head hurts a bit more, nothing else

Marx, like always, didn't look like he cared about the situation

Marx: It's been a while and you're still handling it, I did not expect that

Magolor: Could you even realize that is YOUR fault?!

Marx: I perfectly know, is just that I don't mind it

Taranza: I thought you'd care about your best friend!

Marx: Best friend? Is already a miracle that we are friends!

Taranza: Since you are a friend then act like one!

Marx: Why would I?

Magolor: Listen, Marx, you caused this... And I want you to know that if I lose control...

Magolor: You'll be the first I  kill...

Marx: Hahaha! Strong words, Mags!

Magolor summon his giant blade and he pointed it to Marx, showing that he's not joking

Marx: ...

Taranza: Magolor calm down!

Susie: Just ignore him! We don't want anyone to get hurt

Magolor put away is blade

Magolor: Fine... For now

Kirby entered in the room with his friends

Kirby: Poyo!

DDD: We came to visit you!

Meta knight: Just because you could be dangerous it doesn't mean we'll leave you alone

Magolor: Thank you guys...

Marx: Welp, maybe Is better if I leave

Marx has left the room

Taranza: I notice that Kirby has the sword ability, did you guys trained?

Meta knight: Exactly, Kirby might be a hero but training is always important

Magolor was staring at Kirby's sword... Reminding him something

Kirby: Poyo?...

Magolor: Oh, nothing! It's just... Nothing

Taranza: Mags, we all know isn't just "nothing"

Susie: Yeah, we know what's the problem... Specially in this form

Magolor sighed

Magolor: I just don't like to see that sword...

Kirby spat out the sword ability

Kirby: Poyo!

Magolor: There was no need, but thanks, I guess!

DDD: So, any idea of how getting rid of this crown?

Susie: No idea... The artifacts have powers beyond our comprehension. But I have an idea, last time for shattering the crown you needed to beat Magolor, right?

DDD: Yeah, but-

Susie: We could just do that again! It's not the safest way to fix this but is the best one

Everyone looked a bit negative about Susie's idea

Susie: Is something wrong?

Magolor: Susie, when I got beated... It wasn't just a defeat. They destroyed my soul... And then the Crown's soul, I would literally die

Susie: Oh... Sorry, I didn't know

Taranza: What else could we try?

Kirby has an idea

Kirby: Poyo-yo poyo!!

Meta knight: What is it, Kirby?

Kirby took a pencil and a paper to draw his idea
After a couple of seconds he showed his drawing
It was Nova!

Meta knight: Nova?

Susie: Sure! We could ask to Nova to take off the crown!

Taranza: That's a good idea!

DDD: Great plan, Kirby! Now what are we waiting? Let's go!

(Let's go! To the other chapter since this one is over, I know it wasn't very long, but I'll try to make the next one cooler!)

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