Chapter 10: Greedy For Endless Power, Or Something Else?

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Our heroes arrived to Egg Engines and started to look for something related to the ancients... Without success.
But... Not everyone was actually interested in the artifacts

Susie: The technology in this place is amazing! Everything is powered by the lava

Taranza: How can plants grow in this place?

Magolor: Plants adapted to the climatic situation of this world, and these plants can grow even in the hottest area of the galaxy

Marx: Have you guys stopped talking about PLANTS? We got something to do!

Magolor: Yeah, sorry

Taranza: So, Marx why do you care so much about these artefacts?

Marx: Is just that I'm really interested in those... Powerfull things

Taranza: Powerfull?

Marx: Yeah, powerfull!

Taranza: And why?

Marx: It's a long story...

Taranza: Well, I'm ready to hear it

Marx: Umm-

Magolor: Guys look!

Magolor pointed at a giant door made of rock that was next to a volcano

Susie: This looks like some sort of temple...

Magolor tried to open the door

Magolor: Damn it, it's stuck

Marx: Hey, I have an idea!

Marx made a weird face and then he shotted a giant laser to the door, destroying it

Marx: Now it's not stuck anymore!

The four entered the temple and since it was really dark, Magolor used his fire power to make some light

Magolor: I've never seen stuff like this in Halcandra...

Taranza: I wonder if there are traps-


Marx saw before the others a giant pit with spikes below

Magolor: Huh... That was close

Not a big problem, they just flew over the pit

Susie: Let's be careful, we don't know if there are other traps

Taranza: Like that?

In front of them, there was a door blocked by a swinging axe

Magolor: Well, I don't think it's too hard to-

Susie then shotted the axe with her blaster, causing it to fall

Magolor: Oh, right

After some other easy traps, they finally arrived to a giant room where there was only a chest, nothing else

Marx: Finally!

Taranza: Be careful, we don't know if there are traps

Marx flew to the chest

Marx: Not my problem!

Marx slowly opened the chest aaaaaaaaaand

Magolor: So? What's in it?

Marx threw the chest to Magolor with an angry look

Marx: DUST

Magolor managed to catch the chest

Taranza: Dust? We did all of this for some dust??

Magolor: Well, umm... It was fun at least

Marx: Fun?! I didn't come here to have fun! I wanted some of those artefacts that the ancients have!

Magolor: But why?


Susie: So you convinced Magolor to bring us here just for some selfish reasons?!

Marx: EXACTLY. But looks like I failed because there isn't anything useful in this stupid space rock made of lava!

Marx then flew out of the temple at high speed

Taranza: So... He just doesn't care about us, I guess

Magolor: Let's just head back to the Lor...

While they were walking to the Lor, they didn't actually know what to do

Susie: Should we tell Kirby about this?

Magolor: No, it would just be worse

Taranza: What should we do with Marx?

Magolor: I have no idea...

Taranza: Wait... It is him up there?

On the Lor's roof there was Marx, sitting and he looked thoughtful

Magolor: I think is better if we give him some time before we try to talk to him

Susie: Agree.

They then organized everything in the Lor to go back to Popstar

Magolor: Since it's going to take a while, do you guys want to watch a movie?

Susie: Seems a good idea

After choosing the movie and taking the popcorn they were chilling on the couch
But after some minutes...

Taranza: I'm going to the bathroom, I'll be back

Magolor: Do you want me to pause it?

Taranza: No no

Magolor: Alright

Actually, Taranza wasn't going to the bathroom, but on the roof

Marx sighed

Marx: What do you want?

Taranza: I just wanted to make sure you're fine, we're watching a movie, want to join us?

Marx: No...

Taranza: So... Why do you hate Kirby so much?

Marx: Do you know my story, right?

Taranza: Well, I know you wished to Nova to become a God, but kirby managed to beat you

Marx: He managed to beat me EASLY. I just can't get over the fact that he's better than me... He's better than everyone!

Marx: He has good friends, he's famous because he's a hero, he always has good things to eat and he can't be beaten! While what do I have?!

Marx: The only thing I have is the people's fear because I betrayed Kirby!

Marx: And of they don't accept me as a hero, then I'll be a Villain!

Taranza sat down near Marx

Taranza: And that's why you came here to get more powerful? You wanted to get you're revenge?

Marx: Yeah, but it was pointless... Oh, another thing

Taranza: Mhm?

Marx gave the Master Crown to Taranza

Marx: I don't need it anymore... Give it to Magolor

Taranza: Wait, did you stole this?!

Marx: Yeah, but I can't really use it, I can't even handle the mind control of a stupid crown...

Taranza: So... You're jealous of Kirby because he has a lot of stuff you don't have?

Marx: Yeah, like I said before he has many good friends, while I don't

Taranza hugged Marx

Taranza: Then I'll be one of your friends!

Marx: Uh... Thank you pal...

(Friendship! What a good ending... If it was over. The chapter ends here but the story doesn't, I hope you enjoyed, see you)

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