27: The Hottest Month of the Year

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To say that things had gone back to normal would be a lie

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To say that things had gone back to normal would be a lie.

Campus got word of the truth very quickly. Especially with how small the school was, the news about the lovebirds getting expelled and an investigation on the lecturer Mina slept with being launched didn't go unheard. Everybody was talking about it, the kind of hot gossip that just had to be shared like it was some kind of trending movie being shown in cinemas.

People were talking about it in class. Over coffee breaks. In the library where the librarian would shush them though she had been secretly eavesdropping as well. Lecturers, janitors, security guards—hell, even alumni that somehow found out about what happened.

Everybody was talking about it except for the people most significantly affected.

It was a fresh new school week and ever since the chaos that unfolded the week before, Donghyuck and Jiseol's relationship had mostly gone back to what it used to be. Arguing over the most trivial things at home, bickering whenever they bumped into each other on campus, having to sit through Chenle's constant, not-so-subtle attempts of setting them up.

They were the same as they always had been. Jiseol seemed to be healing too after opening up to Donghyuck had helped her in more ways than one. She barely thought about what happened anymore and was beginning to unlearn the pain that would hit her whenever someone brought it up.

Donghyuck was glad for her. But he wasn't sure if he could say the same for himself.

He was relieved that his suspension was over and he could return to the field, as well as focus on his student council duties without constantly feeling like he was about to lose everything in the blink of an eye. On the surface, he was still his boisterous, charming self and he hadn't mentioned a word about what happened. He had resorted to pretending like it never did happen.

Which was a point of concern for his best friends who knew that the typical Donghyuck wouldn't shut up about his incredible solve. Yet there he was, always changing the subject whenever any of them tried to talk about it.

Something was wrong and Donghyuck wouldn't open up about it.
So the boys had to seek the assistance of a higher power: his roommate with a face of stone and heart of gold.

The moment Donghyuck stepped out of the bathroom, towel draped over his shoulders, he was confronted by Jiseol in her Shinchan pyjamas. Her arms were crossed and she was frowning at him, but more in a concerned way rather than upset.

"I thought today would be your first day back at Astral."

Donghyuck was taken aback by her statement, scoffing as he headed into the kitchen.
"You're the same person that complains about living with me and now you're complaining you don't see me more?"

Jiseol pursed her lips. She then sighed, leaning against the dining table while Donghyuck was taking a glass of water.

"Mark told me you quit."

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